Thursday, June 30, 1994

Roachweed (1994)


This is the chorus: Roachweed
Never tastes the same as it did the first time around
Never stays lit, smells like an oil spill
Makes your lungs hurt from the very first hit
Although the reasons for smoking it are sound
Such as
Concentrated THC form many highs
From when it was just getting’ good
And was snuffed out prematurely
Surely, if you can stomach the taste
And are against needless waste
You’ll agree with me
Gets you through them hard times
Except if you’re a spoiled wuss
In which case fuck you
Who let you in here
Get the fuck out
You fucken loser—an abuser
Of resources
That don’t come so easy
To many of my friends—Roachweed
Spurious reports from the far right
Medical experts in the field
Have mentioned it’s a hazard
To inhale burning matter
As if to say, God doesn’t smoke
Well, what’s a fucken volcano?
God smokin’, that’s what, and let
Me tell you He takes big hits
And holds them in

Sunday, June 12, 1994

A serial killer's song (1994)

Make me a present, a part of yourself
Pretty little piece I can keep on the shelf
Something in pink, with the inside all red
“Middle of the heart, cross section,” it said

Take me somewhere inside of you
Anywhere’s fine, any opening will do
I’ll find my way in, and you’ll close the door
And I’ll never be seen or heard any more

Give me a pint of your precious dew
And let me relax for a moment of two
Don’t go away cause you know we’re not through
Many are called, but those that get away are few

Thursday, June 9, 1994

My Last Words to My Friends -- date approximate (***unedited*** Explicit *** trigger warning, etc. *** -- be warned -- This is misogynistic, vile and disgusting ***)

                             My Last Words to My Friends

Arvada -- Just stop picking it. Stop it! It will go away. It's disgusting. That's all.

Carol -- Can't believe Gene stuck it in you. He told me that he's ashamed and regrets it. But he did mention that it was only possible at all because he turned you around and fucked you like the farm animal that you are?

Carol's Daughter -- Grow up, bitch! Get a job, get fixed and put your baby up for adoption. And leave your poor squirrel brained mother alone.

Any Girl on the Streets -- Hey Babe. Didja like the buckets of white hot bubbling cum I drenched you with last night? 
Didja like licking my flaky white crumbling toejam, bitch?
Didja like sucking out the earwax and the leftover soapscum from my ear, CUNT!?
Didja like the smell of my itchy smelly scrotum bags, honey, of course you did when you sucked my cock so readily, sow, whore, piglet, slut, your reeking fish-barge pussy is so sloppy and well gravied it's a wonder the whole neighborhood's cats don't show up every time you uncross your looser than gooseshit legs. Oh, and your nipples, if they had any more hair around 'em would look like these woolly mammoth type flying saucer things, I don't know what -- but goddamn they're scary! Whew. And if I catch you around my butthole, with its greasy, bloody hanging bits of debris, along with lint -- either sniffing or attempting to lick the gathered salami tie creases around the sphincter, or trying to insert either a tongue or other non-organic foreign object therein -- I shall blast you! Ha. I will fart in your face. I fart in the faces of all poop smelling butt loving bitches anyway.