needed to make this a permanent sticky post, so that it would be the first thing
anyone sees when they visit here, a kind of a heads up of what to expect before stumbling across something willy-nilly. Also, I'd
like to add that if something in here offends you or creeps you the fuck
out, PLEASE talk to me about it, leave a comment or send me an email. I'd rather have a discussion than lose a friend over something I've said that may be incorrect or offensive.
Here's the standard disclaimer:
Since this blog functions as a multi-purpose repository for anything
and everything I might write down, it will from time to time contain
highly opinionated and deeply personal items that readers may find
objectionable. I myself find some of the things which have migrated
through my consciousness and into my writings over the years to be objectionable and
immature, if not outright obscene.
For instance, I write down all my dreams, in as accurate detail as I can recollect. Some of these dreams include real life characters who might be friends or relatives. <gasp!>
I will, on occasion, use it as a notebook, where I record events or
impressions of things going on in my life. Often, I'll
include stories of events that occurred in real life, along with
descriptions of real people, and weave them into the dream narratives to
give context or background. The overlap of real life stories and
dream narration may occasionally cause confusion, and one may be left
wondering if the event occurred in reality, in a dream or in some
conflation of the two.
In the event that you are reading and
stumble across your name, either in a dream journal entry or a real-life
event that I have written about, just know this: I am relating the story because it -- you -- made an impression on me.
The dreams are totally out of my control, so I'll claim innocence of malfeasance on that. I can't choose the programming that my subconscious decides to entertain me with at night.
As for real life accounts that may differ
from your recollection, I can only say that I'm not an actual journalist. I'm a
person writing about things from a creatively subjective viewpoint, and as such, I invoke artistic license frequently.
hope to not offend anyone or give reason for upset, but it is likely
that eventually, if you read long enough, you will find something to
disagree strongly with. Although I really can't prevent that from
happening in all instances, I don't go out of my way to insult or demean my
friends and relatives.
But if seeing your name in print for some reason
makes you feel litigious, please contact me, and I'll scrub all
references to your name and replace them with a pseudonym. (But
you and I will both know that it was you I was referring to.)
point, I don't believe there are enough people who read this blog, or
care enough about my perception of them and how it might be documented
in these written accounts, to warrant concern.
Although it is technically a public blog, there is not much chance of it
getting public attention. My two or three occasional readers have not
chimed in and told me to knock it off with the name dropping and
personal anecdotes...yet.
The reason I've written this long-winded introductory warning is because there was one person whom I directed here to show them something I'd written, and when they saw it, they freaked out, and now we're not
friends. I hope that doesn't happen too often, but I'm likely to say
more things in the future that have that potential, so be forewarned. I
have a Tourette-like condition where I just blab out whatever is on my
mind, and I'm sometimes not aware of the effect this might have on others.
"A cringe-worthy embarrassment to sentient beings everywhere."
"When someone told him, 'I wish you would write a book,' it was clearly meant to shut him up and keep him from speaking these things out loud. 'I wish you could write a book...so I could burn it' is the complete thought there."
"Trash. Just a bunch of self-indulgent gobbledygook with a smattering of obscenity, told by an oafish boor who is unfit to punctuate preschool literature."
"Well, I liked it. I mean, some parts, that is. OK, I never really read it. It got kind of repetitive. And not enough sex."
"He had me, then he lost me. Then I got curious and picked it up again, but I
immediately wished hadn't. I regret every minute I spent in that dank
cistern of horrors that attempts to pass itself off as a human brain."
All of the reviewers wished to
remain anonymous. They were compensated for their reviews, although, not enough, apparently.
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I've changed my comments settings to allow for anyone to comment. All comments are welcome, even spineless potshots from anonymous posters. Please, by all means, give me the tongue lashing I so richly deserve. I promise not to hunt you down and melt your keyboard with my plasma cannon. I won't, however, promise not to pout and make that face you can't stand.