Sunday, July 13, 1997

I need a woman (1997)

I need a woman
A dog won’t do
I’d prefer one without scabs, or crabs or saggy, baggy,
Bags of flab
Although, a beer belly would be ok
In the winter
Now, I can’t afford
To pay for this woman
All at once or a little at a time
I don’t want a loaner
I will work for my woman
If she’ll work for me
Together we’ll be a team
Not some leaching
Parasitic horrible thing
Sucking on my sac long after the
Pleasure has gone from it
She should stop out of consideration for my
Rod, lest it break and the piston
No longer do its natural born thing
Up in the cylinder, and start to scrape
In an unpleasant manner and the monkey
Starts screaming and beating himself about the
Head and neck—then she could
Gingerly begin stimulating the instrument
Bringing it up to speed, warming up the components
Gradually     OOeuHH

Sunday, June 1, 1997

Andrew Letter 7 -- the state of affairs in Chico at 180-1/2 E. 8th Ave. circa 1997



TO: Mominator, momski, the big "M"
FROM: Andrew, Droody, Hoody alias Dogbone aka "the weirdo"
SUBJECT: The state of affairs in Chico, Northern Cal


Hi, hello. Howzit goin'? I suppose Steve, that old bag of farts, is there and reading over your shoulder right now, so I'll be brief. And cryptic. And sarcastic. I'll try not to ramble, but you know I seldom get on one of these things (typewriter) so JHGFJHFG 

Hey, who left that pile of gibberish right in the middle of the page, how rude, well, where was I?

Oh, OK. Yeah, well, um, things are fine. For now. I guess. I don't know.

I have talked to my landlord, and he says he doesn't have any news about the building but that when his other project is completed and the county is done inspecting it, then it will be "party time." However, if my building is red tagged, I am out. But he doesn't have any other plans for the building, blah, blah, etc.

I have checked into the real estate market in Chico, talked to agents, mortgage brokers and homeowners and looked at quite a few houses. With backyards, and detached garages and bathrooms and kitchens, the works. There is a lot out there in the 75,000 to 85,000 range. I have determined that I cannot afford anything higher and that I really cannot afford that without getting a roommate to defray some of the costs.

The ideal thing would be like, a girlfriend who had a killer job and could afford to pay half ... and I'd like to eat ice cream sandwiches on the moon, too.

I have been in a prolonged period of disinterest of the opposite sex and relationships and activities in general. I work 25 hours a week at the Camcorder Repair place, do the occasional screenprinting ~ in my spare time, walk the dog, talk on the radio, listen to the scanner, watch TV, drink beer and on the weekends rent about ten videos. I have grown fat and lazy, and that is the story of my no girlfriend, no success, no money situation.

I like my life as it is. Too much change makes me nervous. I am the epitome of status quo, with the occasional tendency to drift downstream. I'd like to live upstream, but I don't want to move my tail vigorously enough to make the trip. I am like a big fat lazy salmon saying, "Ho hum, I wish that helicopter would come and drop me off over yonder, upriver." But at least I'm not a fuckin' bum. That bothers me. Fuckin' bums. No responsibility, crack smokin', no job, probably resort to stealing, kind of bums. But who's to say what different circumstances might have done to me. 

Please excuse this sorry-assed excuse for a letter, just getting bitter is all. You know, this paper here is a piece of crap. It didn't want to go in. I had to force it, and ram it, and it was a pretty lame piece of paper to begin with. It was on the bottom of a bunch of other papers, and it was the last piece of blank paper, so I had to use it. It was wrinkly, dog-eared and thin, you know, inferior paper. 

But the situation being what it is with trees and the environment and all, I should be grateful to have this paper at all, and should stop wasting resources by denigrating it. I can't help it. I have low self-esteem, so I pick on things which I deem to be of even lower worth than myself. Is anyone keeping track? Are all of my shortcomings being tallied up, and just what is the penalty for abusing a piece of paper?

 ... well, that was pointless and yet boring. 

I had to stop and take time out of writing to answer the phone. It was a potential customer, so I gave her a quote. Three quotes as a matter of fact, in case the first two didn't work out for her. For free, cause that's the kind of guy I am. I did some big election signs just recently, and they turned out pretty nice.

The guy who ordered them even tipped me $15 because he was so happy with them. I think he'd never seen screenprinting before. They did look nice, though, all red, white and blue with big bold letters saying "Elect Bev Payne -- Assessor." 

That was labor day week-end. Hence, the name "labor" day. I like working. I hate getting started, but once into it, I enjoy doing it, until I run into problems, then I cuss and throw things. The key is to keep the windows shut and throw unimportant objects at other unimportant objects, and then no one's the wiser. My stinginess works against my destructive tendencies to my advantage. 

Well, enough pop psychology, I have to get crackin'. Get these videos back to the store before they turn into pumpkins. If you have any videos you could recommend, I am at that stage where I have rented everything with a slick looking cover and am moving on to other criteria: plot, actors, cinematography, etc. 

I think video stores should have memberships with unlimited access for a nominal fee. As it is, I frequent multiple stores because it gets embarrassing seeing the same clerk 5 weeks in a row. I always rent the 4 for $4 or 5 for $5, and since this is my only form of paid entertainment (I don't even have cable) it is justifiable. It's sick, but justifiable. 

So, anyway, I'm fine, holding out behind this stump here, hoping the currents don't force me downstream, or force me to try to swim upstream anytime too soon. I like this stump, the rent is low, who knows how long it will last. I appreciate your being there for me and offering to help when things looked bad.

I really need to get on my feet a bit more, though, before I can seriously consider house payments of $650 to $750 per month. Or find a housemate that is compatible with my lifestyle, perhaps on the moon ... anywhee, got to go, paper's low. 

Talk to ya soon, love and all the best, C-Ya, Bye ....



La la la la ...