Wednesday, December 29, 1999

The Lilac Minute

Re: Sunday Evening
Subject: Re: Sunday Evening
Date: Monday, December 27, 1999 19:32:21
Hi Andrew

Hope all is well. I liked your letter you definitely seem to be someone who is acquainted with himself and that is a good thing. - you know. Some people seemed to be more concerned with fitting in than with who they can become •

i am sorry to hear about huckleberry - perhaps its nothing serious I reallv hope so. Because I couldn't image if anything would happen to ray pets, they are my babies. I love them with all my heart.
Its amazing what they can do for you. Just a gesture or a look can turn a really bad day into a very good day. My girls make me smile with their unique personalities. While huckleberry may be a lump, Chloe is more like a streak of lightning she is so energetic and just a little love. Listen to me blah blah blah.

well, onto another subject - screen printing sounds very interesting - you must enjoy it. 1 have seen some beautiful pieces done in that media - quirky huh. Well, as for the theory of art being void - I think that what your uncle fails to realize is art is not in the creation but in its reaction. When one looks at a piece and feels something whether positive or negative - that’s where the art truly is. Listen to me, well I will get off of my soap box now onto his subject.

You are the first person I really write too like this - I think it is because I feel kindred spirit with you. Perhaps that's a good thing:o)

Its good chat you want to make the most of your education because that is another area in which we can grow and change. I love learning - I never liked it as a kid, but now as an adult. I feel I cannot get enough information. Perhaps because I have realized the real wealth in this world is knowledge and love. And anything else is just fleeting in our lives.

Perhaps you are a writer - you may not just know it yet for sure. Perhaps you are waiting to end your adventure before you begin the chronicles. I think you would be a good writer with your insight into the world.

I try to be understanding of those around me because I have come to the determination that if we all use a little kindness and manners perhaps we can change the world one person at a time - although I must say I do fall of my pedestal once in a while and let the world get to me - but after all I am only human.

Your cat sounds like he has lived quite a life - he was lucky enough to drift into the life of someone who cares for him.

That’s another thing that I feel directs our lives. We run into people who will change our lives all the time - sometimes we just aren't aware of it and loose some very good influences, but enough of my preaching for now.

Sorry to be so talkative, but I am in one of my purging moods. And I think you are very interesting although I think there is one thing we may have to 'discuss.

Yes, I am a tall woman but I am also heavy. So if this is an issue please let me know. Please don’t take offense but some people just think that what one looks like is all there is. Because underneath this padding is the soul of a really great person only the lucky ones have been blessed to see that.

So I will hopefully hear from you soon. I hope all goes well. And I will keep my fingers crossed for huckleberry.

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