Part One
Once upon a time
My path to Taco Bell was
Impeded by a gigantic grapefruit
With four eyes
And screaming tentacles
That extended outward in
Every direction when aroused
Reaping the repercussions I
Did not swerve but
Challenged its authority to
Bar my way
Knowing I was a mere mortal it lunged at me
Suction cups blaring
With my Ginsu I sliced
And stabbed
And slashed my way
Past it
Dashed for the door
Stepped up to the counter
And ordered a burrito
Part Two
One sunny afternoon in December
My hunger drove me to a place
Where a horrible incident had
Occurred months before
The juice stains had all been
Washed away
The severed tentacles gathered up
By hungry Mexicans
But where was the beast itself?
Where had the giant four-eyed
Grapefruit gotten off to?
I cautiously entered the establishment
I approached the counter with
Wearing a paper hat, its tentacles
Bound beneath a hairnet it
Spoke these words
“Welcome to Taco Bell.
May I take your order?”
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