6:00 PM Hour 1. Before the rains even began, I got my first indication that this was serious. A severe wind gust upended my garden shed, ripping it from its rotten foundation in a single swipe. Anxiety set in soon afterward, as the main thrust of the storm has yet to arrive. Quite a strong opening, sir. Well played. I am back on my heels now, playing defense. I should have made more preparations, but really there is nothing to do but wait for the inevitable power outage and endure the solitude of isolation from my electronically connected friends. It is going to be a long week.
7:00 Hour 2. I found another water spot on the floor in the kitchen. I can't seem to trace the origin of these damned incursions. I was going to blame it on the cat, since she's been known to empty her stomach, whether it has anything in it or not. But these are just water puddles, in the middle of nowhere and nothing on the ceiling indicates any leak from above. Besides, the rain hadn't yet started.
It's 7:30 now, and that has all changed. Rain and wind from the south are now beginning the process by which many trees will lose their footing, a one-two punch. I'm still enjoying power, and I am eating possibly my last hot meal for the foreseeable future. I'd better get to it. After that, perhaps I'll be granted the privilege of a final shower as well. If not, I had one earlier in the day, and I will be good until the night sweats start up again at approximately 3AM.
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