I've become out of practice recollecting much from my dreams of late, so pardon me if I get off to a shaky start. Let's see how much I can remember.
I was once again working at YC Honda. Well, not really working, but kind of purposefully milling about, looking as though I was employed. Mostly, I was socializing and checking around the different workstations. Although, there was a lot of activity, none of it seemed work related, just a bunch of people gathered in little groups shooting the breeze.
I went up to the service desk, figuring I'd make an obligatory appearance, as if I were looking for work. There were no cars in the drive, so I was quite safe from the possibility of being handed one of those awful jobs, the kind from which it is best to hide out in bathroom until it has safely been dispatched to someone else.
I glided past the counter, complimenting the office ladies, who were chatting idly, oblivious to my presence, and I went back out to the shop. I encountered The Giant in the service drive and greeted him with the mandatory fist bump. He was talking to his brother (or cousin, I forget), Angiano, a diminutive, round fellow who was the antithesis of anything giant.
"How can you say that The Giant isn't a great baseball player?" he demanded of me without prequel. "I saw him on his first day, and he pitched a no hitter against the Dodgers."
"I didn't say he wasn't great," I said. "It's just that I don't care one bit about the entire sport of baseball."
They were aghast, and they quickly walked away, shunning my company for the rest of the day. I wound up relegated to a tent on the perimeter of the dealership, which was pitched in an area that the neighborhood dogs used for a bathroom.
"Damn," my tentmate said, cursing at a turd, inauspiciously located directly in front of the tent opening. "Stepped in it again."
I also made brief contact with the offending pile and had to wipe my shoes off on the grass. My tentmate used the tarp under the tent to scoop up the poop and fling it into the neighbor's yard. For some reason, this delighted the both of us, and we had a good laugh.
Within minutes, though, a thunderclap roared, and it began to rain heavily. Soon the flood waters rose, and water was rushing around the tent, threatening to carry us away and into the neighbor's yard with the poop, which was standing fast like a little island amid the raging torrent.
That's all I remember. I woke up and thought about all the other things that I need to write about if I'm ever going to make this blog relevant or up to date as a journal, but this innocuous and inane dream was all I could manage in the time allotted. I have a dentist appointment later, and the cats need breakfast.
Better luck next time.
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