My dearest, dearest friend. You mean the world to me. I am certain you already know how I feel about you, so words are unnecessary at this point. I want you to know that, were it not for fear of reprisal, earning your ire and receiving banishment as a consequence, I would make every effort, do all the cliche gestures, even the grandest ones, to make this Valentine's Day a special and memorable day for you.
Even though we both say that we hate all the enforced commercialism of this guilt-based corporate holiday, I know that a lot of that is (at least on my part) a sour grapes mentality. Inside, I'm a sentimental sap and a true romantic at heart, and whether you'd care to admit it or not, I'm pretty sure that you are too.
So I would make the reservations at the fancy restaurant on the busiest day of the year, spend hours in the stationary store poring over cards for the perfect one, visit a florist and and have a bouquet of your favorite flowers delivered to your house, shower you with gifts...basically all the stuff guys might reluctantly do out of a sense of obligation, thinking that they are supposed to. Better yet, I would conspire to concoct a much more personalized version, reflecting your unique taste and vision and embracing your spirit of adventure.
I would gladly do all of it because, if I thought it would make you happy, it would be no trouble at all. It would be my delight. Even given my extreme slackerism, lack of follow-through and general reluctance to do things that require effort, I would take pleasure in it because I would want you to feel the depth and breadth and magnitude of my love for you.
Instead, I'm sitting here, about to eat my breakfast, thinking of you on this rainy February 14. But because you are in my life, I am not sad, nor do I feel lonely. You exist in my heart, and you always will. That makes me happy. I hope you are well in body and soul, and that your heart feels joy on this day.

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