Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Kitty Busking advanced tips

I just had an idea for generating extra sympathy income while streetcorner busking. 

1. Invent a very elaborate Rube Goldberg/Doc Brown feeding contraption and bring it, along with your cats, with you to your next busking event.

2. Set up the feeding contraption in a little child's playpen, along with your fiendishly deprived, starving orphan kitties, with a sign that reads:

"Please insert coin into feeding machine coin slot to insure that these underprivileged kitties are fed."


The machine will dole out one dollop of wet cat food per quarter with a four quarter maximum within any given four hour window. It is like a parking meter, but it is up to the cat to self-regulate within that window whether or not they eat all four dollops at once or leave some for later. 

Likewise, the person feeding the meter can wait to insert the coins until the cat has been observed to have been without food for a while if they feel like being stingy with the quarters.

While initially this contraption will require an investment of time and resources, any expenditures should be easily recouped within the six-month startup period, as outlined in the business plan section of this pamphlet. 


And, yes, full disclosure: I was high when I came up with this idea. 

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