Thursday, February 18, 1993

Unfiltered reasoning behind why I wrote the previous vile, disgusting evil letter to Genny (early 93)

1.  2 day old liver -- dogshit
2   Like a Toy --
3   2nd fiddle, or 3rd
4   How long has it been?
5   I feel castrated
6   I have no worth, self-esteem
7   Guys like Matt, who obviously could give a shit
8   So I'm fucking immature
10 Do you know how I feel? Do you have any idea? Do you even care?
11 I don't like being teased
12 I should have went home
13 I don't like this or need this
14 I have a Goddamn Ego!
15 My whole thing is that I have no romantic life, no sex life, no lover, and it has me depressed. And then you come along and give me just a little, just enough to make me remember that I have a soul and feelings like everybody else and then at the last moment withdraw, take away or stop the flow of love and I just feel like shit. I mean you give me a little of what everyone longs for and you take it a away and give it to a guy like Matt.
16 Contradictions -- "I love you" but yet you'll have sex w/Matt casually but not me cause you're not sure what you want fuck that.

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