Thursday, September 1, 1994

A pothead's house (1994)

Our house, if we could afford one
Wood of course be something
Weed be proud of
Open any window
Inside every cabinet
Weed have smoke
In the morning
And in the afternoon
Weed smoke some more


Saturday, July 30, 1994

An interesting period (1994-ish, edits and comments in red are from some later period)

An interesting period…

Fuckin’ Carol & watchin’ Saved by the Bell
Callin’ Carol, getting told “It wasn’t that good”
And jerkin’ to Hustler

Cool dude, furry freak bro. seeking fuzzy freak chick. Soft lights, smooth sounds, (some fishing), incense and cats puppy await the right beer guzzling hussy.

Four Dykes and a Dildo
Starring Huge Grunt

Yellow outside, black & red inside
A damned shame

You need some brain therapy,
Here, bend over…

My landlord’s name is Eric Hart
With his trusty sidekick Allison
A couple of nicer people
You could never hope to meet

Thursday, June 30, 1994

Roachweed (1994)


This is the chorus: Roachweed
Never tastes the same as it did the first time around
Never stays lit, smells like an oil spill
Makes your lungs hurt from the very first hit
Although the reasons for smoking it are sound
Such as
Concentrated THC form many highs
From when it was just getting’ good
And was snuffed out prematurely
Surely, if you can stomach the taste
And are against needless waste
You’ll agree with me
Gets you through them hard times
Except if you’re a spoiled wuss
In which case fuck you
Who let you in here
Get the fuck out
You fucken loser—an abuser
Of resources
That don’t come so easy
To many of my friends—Roachweed
Spurious reports from the far right
Medical experts in the field
Have mentioned it’s a hazard
To inhale burning matter
As if to say, God doesn’t smoke
Well, what’s a fucken volcano?
God smokin’, that’s what, and let
Me tell you He takes big hits
And holds them in

Sunday, June 12, 1994

A serial killer's song (1994)

Make me a present, a part of yourself
Pretty little piece I can keep on the shelf
Something in pink, with the inside all red
“Middle of the heart, cross section,” it said

Take me somewhere inside of you
Anywhere’s fine, any opening will do
I’ll find my way in, and you’ll close the door
And I’ll never be seen or heard any more

Give me a pint of your precious dew
And let me relax for a moment of two
Don’t go away cause you know we’re not through
Many are called, but those that get away are few

Thursday, June 9, 1994

My Last Words to My Friends -- date approximate (***unedited*** Explicit *** trigger warning, etc. *** -- be warned -- This is misogynistic, vile and disgusting ***)

                             My Last Words to My Friends

Arvada -- Just stop picking it. Stop it! It will go away. It's disgusting. That's all.

Carol -- Can't believe Gene stuck it in you. He told me that he's ashamed and regrets it. But he did mention that it was only possible at all because he turned you around and fucked you like the farm animal that you are?

Carol's Daughter -- Grow up, bitch! Get a job, get fixed and put your baby up for adoption. And leave your poor squirrel brained mother alone.

Any Girl on the Streets -- Hey Babe. Didja like the buckets of white hot bubbling cum I drenched you with last night? 
Didja like licking my flaky white crumbling toejam, bitch?
Didja like sucking out the earwax and the leftover soapscum from my ear, CUNT!?
Didja like the smell of my itchy smelly scrotum bags, honey, of course you did when you sucked my cock so readily, sow, whore, piglet, slut, your reeking fish-barge pussy is so sloppy and well gravied it's a wonder the whole neighborhood's cats don't show up every time you uncross your looser than gooseshit legs. Oh, and your nipples, if they had any more hair around 'em would look like these woolly mammoth type flying saucer things, I don't know what -- but goddamn they're scary! Whew. And if I catch you around my butthole, with its greasy, bloody hanging bits of debris, along with lint -- either sniffing or attempting to lick the gathered salami tie creases around the sphincter, or trying to insert either a tongue or other non-organic foreign object therein -- I shall blast you! Ha. I will fart in your face. I fart in the faces of all poop smelling butt loving bitches anyway.

Monday, May 30, 1994

Wart (1994)


Too bad I had to see you today
Don’t know what you’re made of
‘Cept one part “T”
And one part War (on humanity)
Looky here—it’s big and getting’ bigger
Can’t face you now
Can’t even look in a mirror
I stopped getting fan mail
A whole month ago, lead singer quit
The band…and
Nobody comes around my one room walk up
Flat…I started wearin’ a hat
And a scarf and a vinyl Jump Suit
Can’t hide, can’t hide
This wart is out to get me
It’s out of control, it’s eating me
I have no life, it controls my
Every move
Y A H H H---!
Way to go out, finish the race
Man explodes, wart on his face
Red balloons always remind me
The day you came to stay
I put my good old days behind me
Get it off, get it off, get it off me
Leave it alone/It’ll go away/NO

Friday, May 27, 1994

Friday night in suburbia (1994)

Let’s go downtown and stare at all the freaks
Gawk at all the losers, tryin’ to be somebody
It’s Friday night, we’re white
And this is suburbia
Start a fight, dance all night
We’re the cultural elite

I want meat, to sink my teeth into
Let’s go to the store—and check the quick sale bin

This is so stupid

Sunday, May 22, 1994

Freeway sentinels (1994)

So I can’t believe I didn’t tell you about those hooded freeway figures, spaced out evenly, as if dispatched as sentries. These grim sentinels stood over 40 feet tall and had a beak and claws. With its body shrouded, these were all you could see. And, oh yeah, I was drivin’ when I noticed them. They was standin’ in pairs, by each freeway overpass and off ramp.

I swear it was the night I came down with a death chill, which first I thought was the flu, but without the diarrhea. Yeah, but now I only catch glimpses of these little flying things (they could be mosquitoes) and cats in the corner of my eyes. I haven’t seen the devil in over 4 months.

I have been growing this pot, which looked pretty good at first, but a lot were males. They smoke ok, kinda fresh, the shoots’ll get ya fucked up—in a nice schoolyard kind of way—and even the broad leaf (when smoked damp, like tobacco) gives good smoke—always accompanied by coffee or beer.

I got unemployment checks comin’ in (to pay the rent & PG&E) and $ in the bank. Dope in the ground is better than $ in the bank, because in the end you may not find any dope for sale and you may have spent the $. Never mind that. Uh.

Wednesday, May 18, 1994

Exerpts from: Cuss Words That I Use (1994) unabridged

Fuck:   Pronounced fuhk, a quick little outburst, used monosyllabically, to display mild distaste for an event, situation, person or object.
            Pronounced faaahh—ck to indicate increased displeasure at the above.

Fuckin’ A:       Used mostly in commiseration circles to affirm something negative, eg. “Did you get another parking ticket?” “Fuckin’ A!”
            Can denote surprise, awe or wonderment, as when one sees a really bitchen monster truck crushing old junk cars.

Fuck You:       Can be directed at a person, object or nothing at all, if one is sufficiently pissed. Caution: not to be used indiscriminately around strangers who are bigger than you.

Fuckin’ Jesus Christ:  Pronounced gee-sauce, not necessarily blasphemy, but close enough. Conveys a pseudo-righteous disgust, complete disbelief or exasperation.

Fuck off:         Means “I hate you”  “Go away”

Fuck off and die:        Copulate with insect repellent and terminate. “Go to hell.”

Fuckin’ shit:    Used to describe objects which have fallen under your disfavor. “What is this fuckin’ shit?”

Fuckin’ bullshit:         Used to describe events, actions or things which do not live up to your expectations.

Fuckin’ suck my dick, you fuckin’ fuck:       Can be used whole or in parts. Suck my dick—fellate me. You fuck-- n. A person who is an asshole can be designated as a fuck.

Fuckin’ son of a bitch:            Not related to canine parentage, simply another exclamation of dissatisfaction or a description of an unsavory person.

Sunday, May 1, 1994

Various critiques and letters to celebrities (1994-ish)

Ya man so what
Ok then


Made yourself cry lately, bad boy?


Dear Mel,
I purchased your Marijuana Grower’s Inside Edition. You stupid-head.


Hey Tom Snyder! Yer cool, man, although I grew up w/Ackroyd doin’ you, and I honestly don’t know who does a better Tom Snyder. Any way


You suck, Steve. That is all.
Oh, did I say that?


Your kind is easy to find                                    I wish I said this to somebody
Like earthworms after the rain


Dear George,

I have been watching your show “The George Carlin Show” & have been a fan of yours ever since “Toledo Window Box.” You have spoken for more than one generation during your career as comedian and, well, whatever else it is you do. I personally was edified way back when, listening to your “hippy dippy weather man” and “the dog is licking his balls.”

Um, so what am I trying to say? George, do you still smoke pot? I don’t work for NORML or anything, I am just a consumer of all things cultural.

Do something for the cause, please, my older generation role model, sir. Use your prime time power of predilection to expedite the legalization of or benign pant-friend, marijuana. Don’t be afraid. Just cuzz you’re rich and can buy the real good stuff. You must realize—you are a spokesman. Do your job, be honest and let’s see some cutting edge TV.

It’s nothing new, but persistence—not knuckling under—is what pays. So, do it. Be our hero. Tell the networks that you smoke buds. Deal with it. Don’t be a coward, you only live once.

Your friend, Andrew (a friend in weed)

PS. Was that too preachy? Sorry. Bud. Do it! Be a man, don’t back out now…


Dear Thomas Brothers Map Co.

I recently purchased your California Road Atlas. You have set the standard in road atlases. Atlas’sz—whatever. You guys are good. I’ve followed some of your roads on very enjoyable excursions. Yet, I still find myself lost from time to time. Can you help me?

Saturday, April 30, 1994

"P" Rap (1994)

“P” Rap

Hi Ho Hi Ho. It’s off the dope I grow
If you’ve never planted seed then ya just don’t know
First you sow, but ya just don’t throw
Not the surface of the ground but just below
Next important item—the H20
It’s gotta be pure as the melted snow
So to the mountains I go

Tell me more, brother, rap on

Well there’s ever so much more to be covered, son
Because of sentencing guidelines
Dontcha buy no gun
If they don’t stick ya in the ground
Then they’ll put you away
In some lightless tomb
Ya might as well be dead
So don’t forget what I said
No gun, no run, you see them pigs are fat
But rather than that
They’d just shoot you in the back
And that’s a fact

Now back to the story of the little bad seed
Grown up real sturdy
Well foliated weed
With just the warmth of the sun
And some dirt’s all you need
Make small patches so they won’t be (seed)
By the ‘lectronic eye, only feared by the greedy
Cuz more than 10#’s in 3 months is overdoin’ it
But if ya got it covered, brother, see to it. I’m in to it.

One whole page (1994 rap attempt)

One whole page                                                          NOT WORTH IT

Dedicated to rage
And the occasional taste of pain
When I injure my brain in an insane way
I think it’s safe to say, I have
A knack for the inane and I inundate
Everything that I say with hate, tied up with
A piece of tape, I meditate, skip the parade
Stay home and gape at the waste paper
Basket and ask it, do you have a clue? How are you?
And where do I find a new suit? It’s my
Duty in life to remain fulfilled, with every
Little vibe that I feel I make it real
Can’t say I haven’t mastered the profession
Of letting my hair down, I’m downtown
Cause that’s where all the mighty fine hos be around—EE YEAH

Friday, April 29, 1994

Big bad scary God (1994)

He’s a big bad scary God and He’s watching you
Waiting to thump you right over the
Head and
Send you to hell the minute you masturbate
He’s a big bad scary God so you better be smart
Don’t read nasty magazines
And don’t eat beans
And fart in church
On Sunday mornin’ smellin’ fine
He’s a big bad scary God and He’ll kick your ass
So don’t you light up
That marijuana cigarette
Shut up, wear ties and keep your
Goddam liberal druggie talk
To yourself
He’s a big bad scary god and he hates queers
Almost as much as
Democrats and immigrants
And the poor (lazy)
Welfare bastards
Sittin’ at home tradin’ food stamps
Drinkin’ beer and fuckin’ and
Makin’ more poor little bastards
For us honest, hard working taxpayers
Like you and me to
He’s a big bad scary God and he hates niggers
Or colored or black or whatever
Those jigaboo fried chicken gold chain wearin’
Caddilac drivin’ crack smokin’ polyester
Neon bell bottom pimp suit wearin…

Friday, April 22, 1994

Death March (April 1994)


I’ve been bad, I’ve been good
Faced the things I thought I could
Said my prayers, sang my song
Watched the days grow sad and long
Now I got no one, now I got no one

I seek for things without going to far
I lust for a life not bitter or hard
God picked me up and we rode in his car
Then he kicked my out of the passenger door
Now I’m walking, now I’m walking—on

Life’s a death march
The tired and slow
Are obliterated beneath
The wheels of the strong—
Take me somewhere I can belong

In the shade of a tree
By the banks of the river, yeah
With a fishin’ pole in the sand
And a sizeable joint in my hand

Tuesday, March 1, 1994

Rienna gone (another unsent letter, reminiscing and ruminating about lost love)

 Hello there! Sorry to have taken so long with getting your boxes to you. I've been putting off the inevitable. Believe me, just sitting down to write this is turning out to be more difficult than I had expected. I feel all my tear duct and throat lump centers pulsing and awakening, and I did not want this to happen.

I try to be objective about it all -- you and me -- and remember the reality of our parting, the reasons...but it all gets lost in this pool of sentimentality and mush. I miss you. I can't bear to think about it, about you, for too long. I guess I had forgotten, being busy with work and all. But now, with nothing but time on my hands to reflect and rehash and reminisce -- I am feeling the tug of strong feelings (dammit!) and I guess I'm just still in love with you...and I thought I'd recovered.

Sincerely, Rienna, you are the most incredible woman I've ever been blessed to have such a relationship with. The months I spent with you were the happiest of my life. You came into my life so freely and brought nothing but joy. So, naturally, your leaving should produce some sadness, unless I'm a callous, unfeeling fool.

I can't help wondering if there was anything I could do, could have done, still do -- to be with you again. I don't think there's anything that means more to me than you. I guess I'm deceiving myself. Things weren't perfect. I know that I became shallow, unappreciative, undemonstrative -- I don't know. Maybe it's just one of those things, no one's to blame. 

You were up front with me from the beginning. You stayed true to yourself. I thought that I could change you, make you want to settle down with me, but that didn't seem possible. So I rode it out, just being with you, for as long as I could before you'd go. And now you're gone, and I'm kicking myself for allowing the woman of my dreams to slip away. What a fool, huh?

Maybe we just made each others lives a bit more bearable in an otherwise crappy time. I hope I didn't bring you any pain or cause you to go away with my crappy behavior. Everyone gets a little blind -- I just hope I didn't act like too much of a jerk by not realizing what I had.

I just don't want it to be over. I want you to come knock on my window and say, "Just kidding. I never moved. You were dreaming. Now move over, so I can get in bed with you."

I'd ride the range out to Nebraska and carry you off, but you might have a new beau, and I don't have my six shooter handy. I'd probably die on the spot anyway. I'm too immature to handle thinking of you with someone else. Intellectually, I can, but that's not the part of me writing to you right now. It's my abdomen, my innards and glands, my watery left eye and quivering, taut lower lip which speak.

I was hoping my brain would catch up, and I'd impress you with my detached sensibility, but fuck it, not on this occasion.

On the lighter side of the news, I've got a job interview tomorrow, as a clerical Jack-of-all-trades with a local appliance repair co. Temporary work to relieve a pregnant owner, as receptionist, dispatcher, order desk, etc. Starts @ $6.00 per hour. Not in the bag yet, but it's only 3 blocks away on 11th Ave. Pray for me, eh?

Monday, February 28, 1994

Striper Song and other 94 nonsense

Gotta lay offa them stripers
Cause my arm’s about to explode
Can’t get enough of their action
Can’t think of any other mode

We came to see if what you’re doing
Is within the legal limits
We came here to tax your fun
And about that bag, can we see what’s in it

(2X Mercury outboard) Merry Christmas Mass
Sinbad the Sailor saw Robert Taylor
And promptly kicked his ass

Old man, you’re just jealous
Young men wag their fingers
Sickly youth ask for a cigarette
Or something else to smoke

I don’t write that often, nor produce voluminous amounts—however, when I write…it can be pretty bland at times, yes. Or un-thought-out. Spotty at best. Been raining for a week now, damn. Leaky roof, chasin’ the cat round and round. No need to go out, people comin’ right to my door with their damn-ass business. Ha. Can’t talk to you now, Molly, I’ve got a zit on my nose. No don’t let your hair down, aww. Just leave the scrub brush and the rubber stamp, you can pick up your stickers Tuesday. Yes, bring a check. $115, the price of an ounce (or $12 in Mexico). A day’s work. Flood advisory—get camcorder.

Saturday, February 12, 1994

motivational procedures

Getting a good buzz going. Necessary before going out to print. I first need to:

a)     wake up
b)    warm up and drink coffee
c)     get motivated
d)    get more motivated
e)     if I get any more motivated, I’ll need to lie down

Friday, February 11, 1994

Guntwert Thomas

Please allow me to introduce myself: Guntwert Thomas. I am a digger, my first job out of the Academy Scholastia of Central Continent Seven. I live on the upper deck above the trolls (trolly car tube dwellers). I got this special accommodation after my graduation test scores were shuffled, processed and collated along with the cards of every other human being on earth. I must have been a hair’s breadth away from a different stack, one with entirely different accommodations and job description. Judging by the company I keep on this deck, at any rate.


Friday, January 28, 1994

no feelings 1-2?-94

I have no feelings whatsoever
Not “what” so ever but not
So severe
I have no feelings not what so
Ever but so severe
So what.
I have no severed feelings what
So ever in my life
At this time. I have no severe
Feelings of severation whatsoever
At this time. Thank you very
Much!! Fuck you!!!


Wednesday, January 26, 1994

Cigarette butts 1-26-94


There shall be no more
Cigarette butts
Feeding hungry ashtrays
Or cluttered like dogs
On the kennel floor
Or rolled up nicely and
Arranged neatly in the driveway
Like little seedlings
Row by row

Monday, January 24, 1994

1-24-94 Rienna is leaving

Rienna is leaving me in a couple of days. I’ll tell you all about her soon. I can’t now cuz I have to get shitfaced and keep my spirits up and it hurts to talk about her. We just had sex. A few hours ago. Don’t you forget it. I used the last non-studded condom. I am getting shitfaced. Either that or I’m insensitive.

I promise I’ll tell you all about it. Some day, soon, I’ll disclose everything. And then I shall die.

Saturday, January 22, 1994

1-22-94 Coffee Scrying

I read my future in the coffee scum this morning
A particularly hardy flotilla of
Congealed creamer with
A speckled smattering
Of dried instant coffee bits crowning
It like some volcanic mountain
Chain, bleeding their
Carob rivers into the
Miasma of lighter colored
Café muck all whirling in the
Center and breaking up—
Forming eddies and
Jet streams
Oh the…topology
What will mankind do on this
Incredibly shrinking planet?
Waters rising, forests becoming
Waste places
Then some cataclysm or other
Wiping the cluttered surface clean…
The Non Dairy Garbage Scow Armada
Has all broken up
Into a million
Polluting the now uniformly tan
Slightly acidic
Caffeinated sweetened
Rapidly cooling
But still just about right beverage
For my enjoyment

Friday, January 21, 1994

Journal entry with guidelines for journaling

Ok. If I’ve been neglecting to write, it’s because I’m busy living my life. Or at least guzzling enough beer and combusting enough doobage to convince myself that’s what’s been happening. I promise heretofore, that my entries, though sparse, shall be at least worthwhile with all the following included:

Indicative handwriting
Foul curses
At least one hard, noteworthy fact
Expired use of poetic license or licentiousness

So. I’m 5’9” and I’ve shaved my beard off.
La Dee Da. Here’s the poem then:

“What use,” she cried, “to stay in one place”
“Almost as absurd as wearing the same face”
No one told me as I was drivin’
That there’s an end to that horizon
At the end of the road is a beaten down fence
The boundary beyond which nothing  exists    
Is sacred anymore                              makes sense
Where pipers mill about smoking cigarettes
Unstable, the lot of them
Soon to be crowned oyster Princesses
Get seasick and ask for
A Rolaid
You see drivin’
At this pace can be quite relaxin’
Catching one-eyed furtive glimpses
Of daisies
Going whirring by                                                  STONER

1-21-94 Journal entry

1-21-94 So What! I can’t believe you’re hounding me for not spending more of my life keeping you up to date. I will not be accountable to you, so fuck off.