"When some people realize that they are solely responsible for their decisions, actions and beliefs, and that death waits at the end of every road, they can become overcome with intense dread. A dull, aching anger that leads them to conclude that leads them to conclude that the only absolute truth is death." ~ Dr. Melfi
"I think the kid's onto something." ~ Tony Soprano
"What's the purpose? Of being? Here on our planet? Earth...whats the purpose? ~ AJ Soprano
"Why does everything have to have a purpose? The world is a jungle. And if you want my advice... don't expect happiness. You won't get it. People let you down...in the end, you die in your own arms." ~ Livia Soprano
AJ: "You mean -- alone?"
Liv: "It's all a big nothing. What makes you think you're so special?"
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