It's 3 AM
The numbers on the alarm clock
Laser red
Doesn't feel like I'll ever sleep again
It's 3 AM
And I'm in my head
My soul is out wandering
But my body is glued to the bed
It's 3 AM
I'm time tripping again
Gonna give the dial a spin
Fast forward to the end
Look back at where I've been
It's 3 AM
Just me and my head
Is this what it's like to be dead?
I've forgotten my soul
And brought along my anxieties and fears instead
It's 3 AM
I'd wander to the kitchen
Get something to eat
But I have no feet
So I float up toward the ceiling
It's 3 AM
This feels like a dream
But I can't wake up
Because I already am
It's 3 AM
It's cold
I'm lonely
I need a friend
3 AM
I open the curtain
And peer out into the night
As witches and demons peer in
It's 3 AM
This repetition is doing me in
I want to scream <SCREAM>
But no one would hear me if I did
It's 3 AM
The time when the veil is thinSlits in the membrane
Rifts in heaven's skinIt's 3 AM
I'm sending out a signal
To guide all friendlies in
It's 3 AM
The sandman has come to
Reclaim all of his sand
3 AM
My neighbors are at it again
The walls are paper thin
I don't know which is worse
The fighting or the makeup sex at 3 AM
It's 3 AM
I wish I smoked
Just to have something to doQu'est-ce que c'est que je suis aujourd'hui?
Me and my head walk into a bar
The bartender seems to be ignoring us
So I say to him, "Is this what it's like to be dead?"
"That depends," he chuckles, still without looking at us.
"On how hard you hit your head on that bar." ----
This is meant to be some kind of stream of consciousness beat poetry. Picture a brooding guy on a stool strumming a single guitar chord with each intonation of the words "3 AM." Slight reverb and delay, perhaps some melancholic wah-wah. Jazz-ish, hipster vibe, vocals monotone, spoken, except for a single muted scream.
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