Saturday, August 24, 2024

Serving God: Dice, lightly coat and then reassemble all pieces of the Diety, preheat oven to 425 degrees, standby fire drill, all hands on deck

It must be brutal
Eating all that strudel
Making appointments for your poodle
At the hot springs sushi bar groomer
The whole kit and kaboodle
Eviscerates your cosmic noodle
Fruitless to pursue
A furtive, restless dance ensues
Breaking out in my hallway
Of all places
The stairs are a point of contention
There's no mistaking the intention
Bootstompingly giddy good times
Nothing to apologize for, my mere mortals 
The deity chortles and fixes an
Eggs Benedict real quick
To further obfuscate the situation
Pardon my sneezes
As they obliterate continents
Rattling their contents
And resulting in 
Accidental dismemberment
Don't forget
You tied the knot
Of your own blindfold
That chokehold
Is still you
Trying to make believe it's all true
Because what's more real than
Oh, let's say, torture...death and gloom
To brighten up a room?
Once upon a cat
Too smart to chase its tail
Came a dog too jaded to convince him to try
Together, they both lie
In their own way
The cat less apologetic
Who cares about the philosophical meanderings
Of a dog
I mean, really, who does?
Nobody, that's who! 
Now leave me to my nap
And be quiet about it!

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