Thursday, February 4, 2021

Butte College American Idol and the case of the missing mink oil

I dreamed I was going to try out for American Idol. Auditions were being held at Butte College. Since I still lived in Paradise, I had only a half-hour commute to get there. in dreams, of course, I struggled to get there on time to make my time slot. I got there just under the wire and ran from the parking lot to the rehearsal area, only to find that they had postponed all the remaining contestants until the next day. 

This was fortuitous, I guess, since I was nowhere near ready, but I was still disappointed. I'd psyched myself up, and now I was going to have to wait another day. Worse, they rescheduled the afternoon contestants for first thing in the morning, so I would have only enough time to drive home, go to sleep then turn back around and be there bright and early. I was now more nervous than I had been. 

I woke up with the Who's "New Song" playing in my head. 

I have to admit, smoking weed and eating a carby snack before bed results in my sleeping way better and longer, and I wake up feeling like I've actually rested. I awoke to rainbows on the wall, cast from my refractive crystal ball place strategically on the bedside windowsill. I was in a poor frame of mind prior to the snack and toke. 

I've been getting easily frustrated these days. I spent another afternoon looking for something that has obviously been sucked up into another dimension. A box containing mink oil and saddle soap got up and walked away, as Sharon would say. 

I only partially blame her for things that temporarily elude my searches. I think she has developed this dematerialization skill and is using it to make me go rooting about in the house in order to find or see something else that she wants me to be aware of. 

Last time I wound up finding the tent poles which I'd thought I'd mistakenly thrown out before. They were hanging from a nail in the garage in plain sight. Not that I needed them at the time or anything. I had been looking for a hammer. 

Now I am looking for these leather protective products in order to clean and waterproof my boots, which have become annoyingly soggy of late. I was just using this stuff a year or two ago, and I distinctly remember several places where I had last seen the box. I don't know how much of the product I used, but it couldn't have been all of it. I had nearly a full tin of mink oil. 

Maybe Sharon just wants me to get new boots. Still, I'm sure she'd approve of trying to get one more season out of this pair. So where is it, dear? HMMM?

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