Friday, February 12, 2021

Cat and mouse game with an internationally acclaimed machine gun assassin

I was once again on the run and under the gun, so to speak. I was on the wrong side of cabal of thugs that were world renowned for getting what they wanted and showing no mercy. Their leader was a badass type, played by a Liam Neeson or Bradley Cooper mashup, a real supervillain. 

I first fell under his scrutiny when I was in a typical wrong place, wrong time situation. He was laying waste an entire army of fleeing foes, and I got caught up in the melee. After a while of running and hiding, it became clear that he had finished off everyone but me. 

I hid out under a flimsy lattice, certain I'd be seen and executed on the spot as I watched his boots go past at eye level. At one point he even peeked under and I was sure the jig was up, but he kept on walking. If I ever got out of this, I vowed to put an end to him, knowing that I'd never be safe in a world with him in it.

The next thing I remember, I was at a large gala in a luxurious venue. It was decorated with floor to ceiling dark draperies and had Hollywood style floodlights or "can lights" giving the place an overly ritzy vampire gangster vibe. I was hiding still, but I could see the people coming and going to the event. My killer assassin nemesis would be in attendance, and I would have to get close to him to take him out. 

Enter my partner in crime, his estranged wife or girlfriend, a double agent who also wanted him dead. She was played by Loretta Brown, Cleveland Brown's wife on Family Guy. Although this was a non-animated version, I swear it was her, as I recognized the unmistakable voice. She was an attractive black female, and we kinda had a thing going, in addition to our mission of wanting her murderous husband dead. 

(Fun fact: the actress responsible for this voice is actually a white woman named Alex Borstein, who also plays Lois Griffin and some other parts on the show, as well as being a writer and editor behind the scenes. I did not know this in the dream, though; her voice was that convincing.)

At first, we stayed out of sight and waited for his arrival. It was thought that he was going to shoot up the place in his typical machine gun fashion. We hid out behind the draperies and eyed the entrance. After a long while with no sign of him, we got a bit more confident and decided to move about and find the perfect spot to waylay him. 

"To kill him..." I whispered to her.

 "We are going to have to be closer to him than his own breath," she finished my thought.  At that point she was standing close to me, and I could feel her breathing the words. 

I felt the pull of attraction, excited by her proximity, as well as the danger of our plot. We hid out in some bedding which just happened to be very near the entrance to the building. I held her tight and felt her shapely body next to mine, cupping her round buttocks gratuitously. Why the hell not, I thought, it might be the last thing I feel. 

So we lay there in wait and finally saw him and his gang approaching the entrance of the building. We decided that in bed together wasn't the best place to be when showed up, so we scrambled to find a more legitimate location for our sneak attack. When she'd gained his confidence, I would have but a moment to attack him from behind. 

There wasn't much of a plan, but we'd have to see it though, or I was certain that eventually one of his bullets would find me. Going off script, I grabbed one of the floor lights and used it as a weapon to temporarily blind him. This ultimately didn't work, but at least didn't recognize me through the lights. He simply shielded his eyes from the annoyance and moved on. 

That's about where things left off as I was awakened to Eddie the Cat making meowies and thrashing about the place. I suppose I need to account for Patsy now, since Eddie was clearly upset because her sister was sleeping in too late for her liking.

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