Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Creating a world is pointless

I'm unable to sustain a world of my own imagining that is any good for even my own deluded psyche to inhabit. What makes me think I can or should be able to create a real world to live in that is enjoyable by two people? Tell me that, would you? 

I can make tea, eat cornbread muffins and pancakes at ten o'clock at night, drink 3/4 of a bottle of wine and smoke an entire bowl before, during and after dinner--yes, all of this is true. And I can dance around the kitchen with the urn containing the remains of Sharon's ashes. Or not do that. 

Maybe I am qualified to pet a kitty or two, or pick a Master Lock 175 or 176, but that's about it. Other than that, useless as a feather. A single feather can accomplish nothing. Give me a complete wing and I'll still be one wing short of a flapping machine. 

That's where I'm at. Nowhere. Like, Nowheresville, man. Yeah. This was pointless.

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