Monday, November 6, 2023

False Hope

Is there any other kind? Hope is a fiction, a wish for something that does not yet exist. At least not within your current scope of awareness. It's a story you tell yourself, a wish at best, meant to pacify and placate a worried mind.

Hope for the future----> Let me know when the future gets here, then we can deal with reality, something that actually exists.

Hope for this or that already being the case---->Ask Schrodinger's cat. I'm gonna guess he's dead. Who leaves a cat sealed in a box for an indeterminate amount of time with some conveniently placed poison? Probably didn't even leave him with any food or water, you asshole science fuck.

My passion flower vine was further chewed, gnawed down to the dirt, my hope for regrowth along with it. This doesn't bode well for my friendship metaphor.

Pessimism, the anti-hope, may or may not prove to be more statistically reliable. Entropy did achieve the status of scientific law.

Reality - 1 
Hope - 0

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