Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Cloudy with a chance of orgies (I'm gonna stop with the trigger warnings, they are becoming passe)

What's more frustrating than an unfulfilling sex dream? An unfulfilling sex dream where you struggle to recall enough details to string together a decent narrative. To stick to "just the facts" is difficult, if not impossible, since, duh, it was all a dream anyway, hence, how can there even be any facts?

I was at a sleepover, I do remember that much. Rienna was there, another so-called fact. We were at her house, or the house she shared with roommates. Maybe it was a flop house, I don't know. The details are already fuzzy. It was a communal living situation of some kind.

We were doing a little making out, and I made the classic dream mistake of thinking, "Oh, boy. This is actually happening. Charlie Brown is going to get lucky, finally." That's pretty much a guarantee that whatever luck I thought I was going to have was about to run out. Sure enough, as clothes were being stripped, and the deed about to occur, enter antagonist No. 1: The Midget.

Yeah, a little person, dwarf, growth restricted, or whatever they wish to be called. Fine. I don't have time to be PC or worry about offending a fictional character offered up by my subconscious as an obstacle to my sexual fulfillment. Do I harbor hate for people of diminutive stature? Not in the least. Did I resent this little fucker horning in my action? Certainly. 

As Rienna and I were about to seal the deal, I turn around for one second, and when I look back, she's being mounted and gyrated upon by this miniature human. Good fucking grief! How much crap am I gonna have to put up with in order to get some, I thought. But I was persistent and waited my turn, and the little guy finished in rapid order.

It was a bit messy at that point, without going into too much graphic detail, although unfortunately, those are the images that persist, permanently seared into my brain. Let's just soldier through this less than optimal experience, I thought to myself,  and see if anything good comes comes of it.

It didn't. After Shorty, another, and then another suitor or ex-beau appeared in the queue, which was rapidly becoming a who's who line-up of anyone and everyone from her romantic past, present and future. I guess I got my turn eventually. I was so nonplussed by the parade of sexual partners that I was barely conscious of any pleasure being derived from the act.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against orgies, at least in theory. But the details should probably be outlined and agreed upon by all parties in advance. Less toes and other appendages get stepped on that way. 

Besides the multiple partner business, another detail emerged that crushed any arousal that I have been about to experience: She was a junkie. These partners, or roommates, I guess they were, were all getting her share of the rent and drug expenses in the form of sexual favors. I guess I could put up with the orgies and the extreme diversity of her choices of sexual partners, but I had to draw the line somewhere. 

It kind of ended on that note of extreme disillusionment. I can't really moralize about the rightness or wrongness of sex for rent, IV drug use or multiple partner sexual situations, with or without midgets. I'm not really qualified. In my case, "Don't knock it til you've tried it" applies to at least one of the above scenarios, but I'll leave it to the reader to try to figure out which.

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