Saturday, June 1, 2024

Random bits from notes in the talkie thingy.


Give me Dramamine, my drama queen,
I need to escape from your Escher-sketched dream

You’ve got reality, all folded into a Tesseract,
And I am the Singing Butthole, I don’t know how to act

Papa ooh mau-mau, yap, yap, yap yap yap…yackety-yack,
And all that playground smack.


Why you gotta be so
Pokey, pokey
Jabby stabby?
Iron jaw, furrowed brow
Mean person, mean person?

I feel my soul leaving my body when I’m around you
Not in a good way, mind you 
Like a tortured crab
In a pot that I don’t realize is boiling me alive.
Just a vague feeling that something is

Not right


Share the air…(From DBSA Guidelines)

Share the chair. Everyone who wishes to sit has an opportunity to do so.

Share the Jerr. Everyone who wishes to talk to Jerry has an opportunity to do so.

Shar the arrrh. Everyone who wishes to be a pirate has the opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize the poop deck.


Well, there it is. I think I should document the fact that I opened up this note in order to make a note, and, once again, I have completely forgotten what it was supposed to be about.

On the plus side, I just ran through a pretty good rendition of Wig-in-a-box. I don’t know where I’m going with these non-traditional gender-themed songs. I’m one of those people where if I like a song, whoever sings it, male or female, if I like the song, I don’t want to change it one whit. I try to stay as close to the original as I can.

That being said, sometimes I pick some doozies, and I cross state lines as far as gender and all that stuff. Take it with a grain of salt. I mean, we all have our different sides, so something about any of the songs that I might sing has resonated with some part of me at some point. Anyway, is that enough patter? I was told to work on my patter. I went home and made pancakes instead. I think I misunderstood.


Text message not sent to Lynne: (alternate timeline averted)

I enjoyed our little jam session (and the conversation) yesterday. Thank you for indulging me. I’m just around the corner, so if you ever want to play music, or need help dialing in your sound system— or just hang out, it would be my pleasure and privilege.

I took the liberty of ordering the adapter cord for you. I hope that’s OK? I had to meet a minimum on Amazon to qualify for free shipping on something else. Anyway, I want to donate it to show my support of Clover and what you’re doing there.

I’ll let you know when it gets here so you can incorporate it in your setup.

Thanks again for the fun time last night!


Shows what I know

Going to go with the flow

random access to my

New way of thinking.

Gonna shine

Going to be on time.

Smile, if I’m inclined

and stop on a dime

Nobody’s gonna rain on my parade, not today

-42° in Yatzuk

Wherever the fuck that is

Sucks to be them 


Hamburger salad!

Hamburger salad!

He never really had to say it twice.

But he did so just to be nice


My love for you is not platonic. It is Plutonic, meaning that I love you from afar. You know, because Pluto is the farthest planet, or was, before it got demoted.

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