Thursday, June 6, 2024

The last sip

That last sip of coffee. Everyone knows it’s the best. Well, the first is pretty good too. But it’s hard to engineer a second first sip once you’ve already had one for the day.

The last sip, however, you can engineer to repeat over and over with the aid of a thermos and a coffee cup. Make it a nice, personal favorite ceramic coffee cup if you can.

Simply continue to pour yourself single sip sized servings into the cup and "Voila!" Whenever you feel like experiencing the joy of draining your cup to the dregs and savoring that last little bit (as if it were actually the last), you can do so with impunity.

Knowing that there are a potentially unlimited number of these little moments still awaiting you in the thermos provides you with an additional layer of satisfaction and security. 

This blog post was brought to you by Maxwell House. This is a shameless attempt to garner endorsements from "Big Coffee."

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