No, it's not a manifesto, just the mnenomic device I use to remember key dream aspects before they evaporate completely upon awakening.
This dream included a scene or two where I was clearly enjoying brandishing and dry firing this handgun I had found in the sand. It was a bit crusty and in need of a good cleaning and oiling, but it was still effective at getting people's attention when I would whip it out and point it at them. I found it to be a great teaching aid, since it kept people on point. Anyway, I had found it, and no one could talk me out of keeping it.
Next, I was in a rec room or cafeteria style dining room that a long row of folding tables. I'd wandered in there because it was near a closet where someone had hidden a boom box. I believe it was Michael Cardenas, aka Carnitas aka "Little Chocolate Bunny Rabbit," an ex co-worker from YC Honda. He was busy packaging up some marijuana, and I went into the room to do some processing of my own.
There was this cop running around trying to find the boom box, since it was prohibited on the premises. As soon as the cop got into the room, down went the volume and under some newspapers went the weed.
"I think I'll just hang out here," I said lazily. "It's so nice and quiet." I was practically taunting the officer with my Bugs Bunny style repartee.
The cop looked around for a bit, but unable to find either the boom box or the weed, he vacated, and out came the weed again. I kept dropping large chunks on the floor and scooping them up and re-evaluating them, keeping some and discarding others. I asked Carnitas if I could check out his stash to see how mine measured up. He gladly complied and opened up a small suitcase to show me his product.
Next, I was in another room in the building, this one equipped with an oversized bed. I was sitting on the bed and talking to a new convert. Oh, I forgot to mention, this building was all part of a compound used by a cult that I happened to be in, similar to the Remnant, I suppose.
The topic of the conversation was the biblical role of women in an egalitarian society. I was trying to reconcile the clearly patriarchal view of the Bible, with the more enlightened present day view of gender equality. I tried to make examples of how family members are all equal, say when getting to vote for what kind of pizza to have for dinner, but how that kind of thing had to be tempered by a parent's role in assuring that no ridiculous toppings like bubble gum or all pepperoni were ordered.
The argument seemed reasonable to me at the time, and the convert wasn't too concerned about it anyway. I got up to make the bed and was folding the sheets when it became time for me to wake up.
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