Sorry, there doesn't seem to be much recollection these days. I've been too lazy to go to bed at night, so I am sleeping on the couch again. I don't seem to have as concrete story lines when I sleep downstairs.
I was in a front yard somewhere, and there was a girl who had just moved in across the street. My current roommate, another female of unknown identity, wasn't thrilled. Whenever the new neighbor popped up on the street, my roommate would sigh in disgust and leave. I began to see why when the neighbor left a car seat baby carrier, fashioned out of a shopping cart, in our driveway.
"Hello, what's this?" I said as I took the bait.
It was a Trojan horse. The next thing you know, I was stuck with another baby, making goo-goo noises and the like to pacify it, while the lady was showing me her laptop. It had a strange sort of receptacle for pouring coffee into, so that one could drink it from a tube while working on the computer.
Sounded legit, I thought, as I poured some coffee into the small opening on the side. I found it to be too small and too close to the keyboard to be of much use. Coffee would inevitably get into the electronics and short stuff out. I held it over the sink and tried to rinse it off, which only made things worse as far as keeping the device dry. Meanwhile, the baby was still needing to be extricated from the metal cage of its shopping cart car seat.
Another neighbor, who lived a good half a mile away, also needed something from me, though I don't know what it was. I think that he just wanted me to see his giant computer display, which was basically a sheet of rice paper hanging from ceiling to floor. He had an interactive display with some album cover art with a picture of an obese geisha girl tiled across the screen.
I started making notes on the original album cover and the changes appeared in real time on the giant display. Every time I made a change, the neighbor guy would undo the change and then run to the bathroom, which was oddly located a half a mile away near my house.
I kept thinking, "Well, this arrangement sucks." But people in dreams have the oddest routines, and you can't ever do anything about them. So we stuck to this annoying editing business for a while, and then I woke up. Oh, and radishes were a part of the album art that I kept trying to work in, but Mr. Distant Bathroom guy kept editing them back out.
I really gotta start back sleeping in the bed again. And maybe lay off of the pot. Oh, and this is the exact picture I dreamed of. Ok, so she's not really obese and not a Geisha girl per se. But I swear it was this exact image, no lie.
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