Monday, March 1, 2021

Woodstock talent show

I was all set to be either the hero or the fool at the talent show. It was down to the last two participants, me and another guitar player. We were onstage getting warmed up, doing sound checks and practicing our solos in front of a growing crowd. 

It looked to be as big as Woodstock, or perhaps some big jazz festival, with a giant scaffolding for lights and speakers that loomed over the crowd. To add to the excitement, the artists were to play their bits from high up in a crow's nest atop these monoliths.

I did some climbing and stopped at a pretty high place and began some of my runs, teasing out a little of the improvisations that I'd be working into my act. Some recognizable notes of The Star Spangled Banner crept in, as well as some minor keyed scales. If I could pull it off, it would be epic. But my competition was pretty polished too, so it was going to be no walk in the park. 

I know there was a lot more preceding this dream, but I blame the phone company for not screening my calls. More telemarketers interrupted my dreams of glory with their robotic scams before I could pack the dreams up into my travel bag, making the recall scant at best. Thanks a lot, AT&T.

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