Monday, January 18, 2021

Dennis the Menace rides again

I was living in Loma Rica with Sharon and still working at YC Honda in my fading dream from last night. There were a lot of things needing to be done on the property that weren't getting done in a timely manner. So my employers and Sharon had an incentive system which included free groceries as prizes for doing certain things. One of the required activities was just that I show up to collect the prize. 

I hopped on my bike and told Sharon that I'd be going to town to collect my prize so that we could have dinner. We would need to go shopping again in a day or two, but this would tide us over. She waved a dirty dipstick at me as I rode away. I was wondering if she'd behave while I was gone, since Charlie was known to be lurking about in this dream. It seems that he lived in Oroville and would show up if I was gone from the property for any length of time. 

I figured I could make the trip to the store and back before he did, but as I was trying to leave I saw some shady looking old man cruising around the perimeter. It wasn't Charlie. This guy was too gaunt. 

I dismissed it and rode down the large hill that led to town. At the bottom of the hill was a fence. I was supposed to turn right at the fence, but I was going too fast and not paying much attention. At the last second, I pulled up on the handlebars and over the fence I went. Oh well, I'd always wondered what was on the other side of this 6 foot wooden fence. It turns out it was nothing special. Some large rather dried lawn of Bermuda grass and not much else. 

I scrambled to put my bike back over the fence and climb it before the owners found me trespassing. The fence was old and barely supported me as I hefted my bike over and teetered on the top of it before plopping myself down on the outside. The lady who owned the property was there looking disconcerted and bitching at me in Spanish. I caught a "Dios mio" or two and managed to elude her, hopping back on my bike. 

I made it to Raley's and was about to go in and secure my prize when I saw Angry Fence Lady again. It may have been her daughter, I don't know. But she was talking with some friends in the store and suddenly I was being pointed at to snickers of "Dennis the Menace" from the peanut gallery. I was on my way out of the store when two of the friends approached me, somewhat timidly. 

I turned to them and said, "I know, I know...Dennis the Menace, right?" 

They erupted in laughter and I knew that my job was done. They just wanted me to know of their little nickname for me and that was it. I proceeded in the direction of home, having accomplished what I set out to do, which wasn't much apparently. I don't even know if I secured my prize or not. I get the impression that in my  dream, as in my current life, I wasn't known for actually getting a lot done.

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