Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Uncle Steve not dead


I dreamed I got a phone call from my uncle Steve. When I answered the phone I was plugging in an amp or something, and I picked up the phone like any other time, expecting a telemarketer or the usual bullshit call. But this time I heard my uncle's voice loud and clear, or soft and mumbly, as he sounded in life. I was so bowled over that I almost started crying. 

"Are you who I think you are?" I asked him, "because I thought you were dead!"

I knew he was dead and yet here he was talking to me. He laughed and said that he had just gone away for a while and I'd better not have sold all his stuff. I pressed him further about the money that he had left me, and how could he do this, just leave us all thinking he was dead. I don't remember what his response was, but I think it was just that he was taking an extended vacation in South America. I busied myself trying to wrap my head around the new reality. 

Prior to that I was in the process of packing up my things and planning a move to a larger place. I couldn't believe that I was even going to sell my place, since I was as attached to it as I am in real life. But the possibility that I could sell my place and "trade upward" into a multi-million dollar estate was too tempting. I think there were some boxes still laying around when my uncle called. 

Wait a minute, I'm starting to get the idea that maybe this means something. I'm a little concerned now about the blatant symbolism and the fact that my dead uncle was in it. Will I be joining him soon, moving into a bigger place where he is alive, and I was just mistaken for thinking that he was dead?

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