I was in a suburban tract home neighborhood, one which was only partially built and inhabited, being interspersed with vacant lots. I was in one of these lots when I looked up in the sky and saw what I'd have to call a UFO.
It was a large domino shaped rectangle in the sky, slightly out of focus, like you'd see when you zoom in on something and tax your camera's resolution. Only this was my naked eyeball, so I don't know how that effect was achieved.
It performed a graceful U-turn, and then some other little anomalous dots joined him in a little cluster that darted about like organisms in pond water. I missed this initial set of movements, but no matter, I thought, as I whipped out my phone to record whatever I could for posterity.
I watched through my phone's screen as it somehow tracked the movements of these strange objects in their crazy patterned travels across the whole sky. I had some interesting footage, maybe a minute or two in length.
I showed it to David Chanh, who seemed interested at first, but as he watched he seemed less and less convinced. Something about how I told the story made him feel that my judgement could be compromised.
I tried to show it to Daniel Kellitt, who was in line at a prison cafeteria, dressed in a blue and orange jumpsuit, the colors of which were split down the middle like some jester's outfit. He didn't want to get out of line to view my video and basically parroted what David had said about my erroneous interpretation of the sky phenomenon.
I made a comment to the effect that he was dressed somewhat like a space alien in those prison duds. I knew what I saw.
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