Look, I don't assign blame to my dream characters in real life, since they probably didn't ask to star in my dreams and can't be held responsible for their behavior in my subconscious's randomly generated scenarios. Nonetheless, Brian was being an ass in my dream and was pissing me off big time.
I had a cozy little group of folk over, including Jenny Bennett and E____ from group. There were a few others, but these were the standouts, for reasons that will become clear in a moment or two.
E____ was being a social butterfly, but was being extra nice to me by attempting a mind-meld procedure with me. She pressed her cheek against mine and concentrated really hard. In doing so, she transmitted or radiated her thoughts and feelings directly to me via the skin to skin contact. I felt all fluttery and flushed and slightly embarrassed, but it was nice.
But naturally, all nice things in dreams must come to a crashing end, and this was no exception. Right about then, Brian arrived at the already crowded slumber party, drunk and in a blinded, horny rage. He jumped into bed with Jenny Bennett, who was sound asleep and none too receptive to his bearish advances.
She thrashed about and kicked him out of the bed, cursing him and bruising his oafish ego just a tad. He must have become violently belligerent, because in just a few seconds, while I was out of the room, he broke my glass display cabinet, shattering a giant glass panel. Well, I had to assume it was him, since he was the only one drunk and causing a ruckus at the time.
"Who the fuck broke this?" I demanded of the group as I scanned the room, looking for guilty faces.
No one spoke up, but my eye had fallen on Brian, and I had all but convicted him in my mind. I proceeded to accuse him of the crime, and he didn't deny it. He pretty much admitted to it by trying to cast the blame on Jenny for refusing his advances.
"Wouldn't have happened if she weren't such a bitch," he snarled.
"Out!" I screamed at him. "Out! Out! OUT!!!"
He sullenly packed himself up and left the room, muttering.
I surveyed the broken glass and knew that the sleepover was pretty much ruined. I contemplated the likelihood of finding replacement glass at that hour, and the whole proposition seemed unlikely. I was glad to wake up and find that the cabinet was safe and secure, in this reality, at least for the time being.
Now I can go back to sleep and, hopefully, rejoin the remainder of the slumber party guests without further incident.
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