I had to make multiple trips because I wanted to remain unseen and kept being forced to abandon my mission. I did get into the car at one point and was working in the back seat, keeping my head down. I was trying to re-key a seat back adjustment lever. For whatever reason, these things had little locks on them, to keep people from messing with the driver's seat adjustment, I guess. I was in the middle of the re-key, when I was nearly spotted and forced to flee.
I couldn't let it go, however, so I snuck back the next chance I got. I had to creep past a small guard shack in order to get to the car. No one was there, but I wasn't going to chance it. The door was ajar, and there was a cot inside that looked freshly slept in.
I went the long way around, climbing up an incredibly steep area of recently cleared hillside via an almost unclimbable aqueduct. I kept losing traction and sliding down the hillside, reaching for tree branches or clawing the loose dirt to try to slow my rapid, near freefall descent.
As I crawled back up over the edge of the slippery dirtslide, I saw a woman in a nightgown. It was the wife of the caretaker, and she'd spotted me. She turned and ran, planning to report me to her husband, no doubt. I felt like there was a valid explanation that I could offer her that would justify my actions, but I just knew that it would sound ludicrous and would be ill-received.
So, after a few feeble attempts to yell after her, I turned and ran in the opposite direction. The dream ended with the unsatisfactory feeling of a job not completed and the embarrassment of being caught doing something that one oughtn't be doing.
I slept about as well as I normally would, all things considered. The Bupropion didn't prevent my dream cycle from occurring, nor did it change the quality of my dreams. They are still pretty random and unimpressive. I'm just going through the process of writing them down, mostly out of habit. And in case something turns out to be significant when I may re-read them at some later date and find that I'm a psychic or something.
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