Thursday, July 15, 2021

A-to-Zzzzz and OCD Man, Savior Of The Universe (I get really bored on these walks)

I don’t know if A-to-Z exercise is doing me any good. Rather than making me feel appreciative of every single song, I am finding the process tedious. I have heard corrupted files, annoying binaural beats and endless duplications of songs that have been downloaded multiple times. I mean, how many times can you listen to Stevie Ray sing "Ain’t Gonna Give Up On Love" without wishing that he would just give up on it already. That will teach me to ever download anyone’s discography ever again.



Seven Dash 15 Dash 21 

OCD and the quantum multi-verse

You can all thank me later. I’m not trying to brag or puff myself up with self-important grandiosity, but I am the one who has been holding this timeline together. I cringe to think what would happen to existence as we know it, we’re not for the eternal vigilance of my OCD. From the orderly arranging of molecules, counting of atoms to the seemingly insignificant arguments I have with the text editor to transcribe my words correctly, this entire existence that I share with 8 billion people hinges upon my performing certain duties with the consistency and precision of a quartz crystal timepiece.

Why do you think God is so concerned about those sparrows falling to the ground? It's not that He is all that compassionate about avian life. Free as a bird is a misnomer. It’s a rough life, what with all the chirping, eating of worms, watching out for cats, and so forth. The point is, He’s watching them to make sure that when they do fall, it is at the prescribed time, with the exact determinism needed to keep this timeline intact. According to the butterfly effect, even one whisper of deviation can have catastrophic consequences, resulting in this timeline winking out of existence, to be replaced by another.

It’s an awesome responsibility. It seems to contradict free will, the idea that things have to be just so, because they are just so. But if I didn’t pick up that pen a mile back and use it to straighten out a piece of entangled barbwire at the top of someone’s fence line (an item that has been abhorrent to my OCD brain as I passed by it on my walk every day for the last 2 years) things would not continue as they are now destined to continue.

It most likely started with a deer jumping over this barbwire fence, entangling the two top strands. Even though it was bugging me this whole time, I left it as it was. That was also part of the plan. Leaving them in tangled in that way gave the next deer or two an extra inch of clearance, possibly saving them from catching a hoof and landing flat on their face in the middle of the road, where they would then be struck by a car, causing an accident, injuring a pregnant mother, causing her to miscarry and preventing an entire life from being born and lived out. Good thing I left it all that time; that could've been the kid that grows up to cure cancer that I saved.

But today, I was compelled to untangle the two strands, attempting to restore the original timeline. That can’t happen, though. What’s done is done. The consequences of my actions may now result in a different deer catching his hoof and causing a similar scenario, with a different pregnant mother, and the life that is expunged could very well have turned out to be the next Timothy McVeigh. It’s not inconceivable, anyway, given the demographic around here.

The takeaway is, whatever you do, make sure you do it. There’s a reason for it. Follow your gut, even if your gut leads you to the ice cream rather than the salad bar. If we all just go on strike and do nothing, the merry go round will slow down and eventually stop. Now do you really want to do that to the kids? C'mon!

We all make the world what it is by our presence in it. There is not one single grain of sand out of place, even if I kick up a cloud of it. Its new home was also foretold, envisioned and programmed into this computer simulation. If I didn’t kick the sand, who knows what might have happened to the programming.

Why not try this for a change: the next time you feel like doing something, something you would normally be expected to do, do the opposite. See if you don’t destroy the universe. I dare you.


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