Friday, July 16, 2021

Sharon up and about, snooping in my private affairs


I had another dream where Sharon was up and about. She still couldn't walk very safely and did a lot of crawling around the house. But at one point, she was able to get up and do a brief sprint from my downstairs man cave back to her bed. I am always amazed to see her anywhere but in bed in these dreams, so I was pretty excited to see this.

I followed her into the bedroom and jumped on top of the bed next to her. I thought the occasion called for some celebratory sex, something she'd normally have been demanding of me on any given day that she was alive and breathing. She wasn't too happy with me, however. It seems that while she was up and about she'd discovered some dark secret that I'd been hiding from her, and now she was considering leaving me. 

I was pondering what it was she could have found and wished she'd just come right out and say it. I didn't want to reveal my cards and confess to all my sins, in case that wasn't it. In my head, the dialogue was something like:

Me: "So you found out that I've been having sex with random strangers that I met on the internet?"
Sharon:  "I was mad about you taking $40 bucks from the ATM without telling me...but, WHAT?"

So, I waited around to see what she knew before I copped to anything. No need to tell the police where the bodies are buried if they are only investigating you for petty larceny.

While I pondered what level of guilt I was going to have to admit to, I went into the bathroom and started dying my hair. I was happy to see that I actually had hair, so it seemed appropriate that I should be in front of a mirror checking it out and playing around with it. I gave myself a kind of a Beatle haircut and was admiring the bangs, still amazed to see hair on top of my head after a 30 year absence.

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