Oh, interminable, tedious existence, when will I be done with you? Another day another walk. Choosing to play the stupid game of iPod A-Z was a mistake, clearly. I’ve made an uninteresting chore that much more of a drudge. What could be more annoying than having the binaural beats program "Adrenaline" blasting in my brain? How about one only slightly further down the list called “Adrenachrome.” Sure, it started out as a mostly silent background with a faint hum, but now it has become a cacophonous chorus of shrieking electric eels sizzling in a skillet of bacon grease.
Meanwhile, the text editor has created plenty of things for me to re-edit and re-interpret from his pathetic transcription.
It would seem to be a very good strategy, in this game of life, to maintain neutral karma. Oh, bad karma, well, we know where that gets you. However, racking up too many good karma points might land you in some higher realm, with higher stakes to be played for. Even the gods have to answer for their misdeeds. One fuckup and you find yourself demoted to a Denny's management position.
No, it is the person who walks this very fine line between good and bad karma, not letting anything tag them or stick to them, that will be allowed to enter the realm of undifferentiated nothingness, escaping the world of duality. Just what you wanted to be when you grew up, right? A wisp of undifferentiated nothingness? Better than lumpy cat litter.
It just occurred to me: how do we know that our dreams are our own? They could be someone else’s dreams, and we are just in them as a guest or a participant. That would fully absolve me from any guilt or impropriety that might be impugned upon me for the exotic and inappropriate dreams that I seem to find myself in.
And while we are posing unanswerable questions: who restored my computer's iTunes status and my search bar contents to both include the song "I Don’t Like Mondays" by the Boomtown Rats? The last time I played that song was several weeks ago, and I have entered a ton of things in that search bar since then, both browser and app have been closed multiple times, and the computer itself has been shut off in between now and the last time that song was on my radar.
But after dozing briefly and coming back to my computer, I found that song paused halfway through on the player, right in a spot I had been working on trying to learn around two weeks ago. And the search bar contents showed that I had just searched for that song. I literally looked at my watch to check the date, to make sure I hadn't transported back in time two weeks. Nope, but someone thought it would be hilarious to reconfigure my computer in this way to make me question my own sanity.
But far from making me question my sanity, I am doubling down on my bet that we just exist as puny little entertainment modules, to be fucked with by some sadistic god for the whimsy of his royal pleasure. This was just an example of him getting sloppy and leaving the obviously intentional song choice out there as an artifact (tomorrow is even Monday). Truman-esque, kinda Matrixy, with a little Mandela Effect thrown in. Someone was clearly fucking with my timeline and they forgot to completely expunge all relevant data from the alternate timeline. Worse, they left me a trail of breadcrumbs in the form of obviously manipulated synchronicities. I'm so onto their shit.
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