Friday, July 23, 2021


A Ridgeline with a loose fender liner and splash shield came into the shop...

That's all I remember. It sounds like the start of a joke, but I don't remember the punchline. I just know that I was dreaming that I was working at YC Honda again (no surprise) and I was supposed to perform multi-point inspections as a courtesy to the customers and as a way of upselling repairs and maintenance. 

At first, I was just going to make my notes and let the vehicle go, but then I thought better of it and decided to install the missing clips so that the undercarriage plastic wouldn't drag on the ground. Perhaps the service writers could come up with a fair price for the parts and labor, or maybe not. I just knew that I wasn't going to let the vehicle leave in that condition when it was in my power to install a couple of missing clips. 

Anything else on my mind? Not presently. I'm officially designating Friday as my laundry and vacuuming day. If I'm going to live my life for the few moments of attempted fun that I engage in on Saturday, then I guess it behooves me to set the stage by making my environment as pleasant possible. I keep the place relatively tidy throughout the week, so I don't have any major makeovers to undertake. 

Ha. That only applies to the areas of the house that I frequent. The shoddy facade is revealed if I go out on the back deck or peruse the perimeter of the house. It looks like a Stephen King set, complete with cobwebs, buzzing wasps and black widows nesting in the eaves. The lawn is full of gopher holes and meat bee nests. Random ant mounds appear and are abandoned, as their entire civilizations are born, flourish and die out, leaving only a dirt mound as a memorial, a cautionary metaphor for humanity's tenuous existence on this planet.

My contract with the insect life states that I will leave them the outside if they respect the boundary of my indoor space. Except for a few brief infestations of fungus gnats, and my daddy long-leg allies in the spider community, there have been relatively few incursions. If there is an unwitting trespasser, I will gently repatriate them, utilizing the cup and paper deportation technique.

It is extremely smoky today. The Dixie Fire in Butte and Plumas counties has grown to 142,930 acres. The wind has been favorable for my area until last night, when it shifted and sent the plume southward towards Yuba county. I'm listening to the scanner to make sure that none of the smoke present is from any new fires starting in my area. So far it has been a mostly incident free summer, with the few small fires in my county being extinguished in rapid order. 

I may have to forego my evening walk, since the health benefits of outdoor exercise will be negated by the poor air quality. I don't have a suitable indoor venue to do this amount of walking, so my routine will just have to suffer. I hate to lose ground, though, as I have been improving my walking time over the last few weeks. I'm currently able to get my 5 miles done in under 1 hour and 29 minutes flat. 

So little excitement goes on around here that I have taken to challenging myself by making these kinds of silly goals. It was a slow news day in dreamland, so I really don't even know I'm bothering to add all this empty filler. Speaking of which, I may as well designate Friday as Catbox Emptying Day while I'm declaring official weekly chore days.

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