Sunday, April 11, 2021

A brief visit from my psychic


I had a conversation with my psychic friend, Jeannette, the other day, in which she mentioned that her cats routinely woke her up at 4:30 am. I replied that that seemed a little late, as the witching hour was at 3:30 am, a fact she'd been unaware of. 

I suggested she conduct her psychic business at that time, since the "veil between realms" was thinnest during that hour. She said she would give it a whirl. I also told her I'd look for her in my dreams, and she laughed.

Sure enough, last night I did see her in my dreams briefly. 

I dreamed I was in some car borrowing situation with my uncle. Jeannette had my uncle's car, and he wasn't too thrilled about that. I had loaned him one of my cars, and I was stuck with my old crappy 85 Honda. 

I came upon Jeannette just after my uncle had got done yelling at her for keeping his car too long. He repossessed it and left her car-less and a bit hurt with his abusive tone. She played it off by smiling a world weary smile that said, "I've seen much worse, I'm used to this sort of thing."

I felt bad and tried to work out another car swap, so that she could still have a vehicle. That's about all I remember, and I may have the details a bit off, as to who was driving who's car. I just know my uncle was pissed, since he was out of a car and was somehow blaming it on my friend. 

Now I'll have to ask her if she had any sort of communication with any pissed off spirits at about 3:30 am.

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