I dreamed my friend, Gene Scott, had gotten himself kicked out of a roommate situation with his teenage girlfriend. He'd apparently said a few choice words to her, and now he was homeless, mopey and wandering around Chico, looking for a place to stay.
His girlfriend had been living on Garden Park Dr., a couple of houses down from my uncle's place at the end of the cul-de-sac. While Gene lamented his situation, I went and paid his girlfriend a clandestine visit. She was having a garage sale, so it was easy to slip in unnoticed and observe.
She was in the garage, talking with another of her teenybopper girlfriends. Another of Gene's friends also slipped into the garage unnoticed, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut for long. As I examined a few of the items she had for sale, he made a remark that got the both of us kicked off of the property.
"Well, why don't you give me a try," he said crudely, "See, if you can get me pregnant." His remark didn't even make sense, and as far as passes go, it was one of the worst I'd ever heard.
"Out!" she snapped, and that was the end of our browsing.
I surmised there would be no reconciliation between her and Gene, so we tried to figure out where he could stay. My uncle's place was out of the question; too many people were staying there already. I had a place downtown but was concerned about moving in all of Gene's crap.
"How much stuff do you have, anyway?" I asked.
"Dude, I have a lot," he said mournfully.
I could tell there would be no easy solution, but I offered that he could maybe take showers at my place until he found somewhere else. At least he wouldn't smell like a homeless person. He seemed to think that was fair.
That's about it for that. I woke up soon thereafter.
It's Sunday. April 18. I picked up my prescription yesterday at Walmart. It cost $15 for a 30 day supply of Bupropion 150 XL. I think I'll wait til tomorrow to start taking it. I'd like to have one more coffee/cannabis breakfast before I jump on board this other ride. I'm not sure how the combo would interact with a brand new drug, and I don't want to begin my journey with a skewed perspective.
I told my friend, Jeannette about it and asked for her thoughts. She was a pharmacist, so I figured she'd at least have had some kind of second-hand experience. She said she'd been on it for 5 days many years ago. It had done nothing positive for her, but it did give a screaming case of road rage. She felt agitated all the time while she was on it, so she discontinued it abruptly.
There are a lot of accounts of people having this experience, as it is one of the possible side effects. I am already pissed at the world, so I don't know if it will make this condition worse, or if it will have the reverse effect. I guess I've got to stick it out past the break-in period, at least 10 to 14 days, when most of the side effects tend to show up.
I'm kinda scared to give myself over to some mood altering drug. I want to get on a fun ride, not one which is likely to make me a bigger asshole than I already am. I can barely stand myself as it is. I'm telling as many people as possible, so they can be aware and monitor any changes. As always, I'll be making notes in the margins of my dream journal entries.
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