Friday, April 9, 2021

Football on the roof


I ought to be able to bring you back more than just a title and a couple of lines, but alas, I fear that's all you're gonna get.

I was engaged in a backyard game of football, and the ball got chucked up onto the roof. The rules allowed that ball was still live as long as it hadn't touched the ground, so the opposing team captain and I endeavored to find a quick way onto the roof to retrieve it.

I started out going about it the hard way, climbing up a ladder, grabbing the flimsy rain gutter and attempting to swing my leg up onto the roof. This wasn't very effective, and I wound up just hanging there looking rather dumb. 

No one else had figured out anything better, and they all were busy mocking me, so no one noticed when I climbed back down the ladder and went around to the back of the house. The back porch had an easy access point; all I had to do was climb up on the railing, and I was already level with the roof.

I was up and on it in an instant, but wouldn't you know, the other guy was soon up there as well. We vied for the ball, which seemed to be greased, as well as being pigskin, for it slipped and slid around the roof, eluding our grasp. I had it and lost it several times, and it wound up being caught and dropped by both sides.

It was ultimately called a fumble, but the ball was still in play when the dream switched to something else, and I never got the official results of the play. It could still be in play right now, for all I know.

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