Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Triple indemnity: we've got you covered

I can't say much more than this: I had a dream that kept putting the idea in my head that my insurance was inadequate. The insurance company had a phrase that looped around in my head but, of course, now is gone. It was something like, "This. That. The other. We've got you covered." Actually, it was nothing like that. It was very specific as to the "thises" and the "thats," but I couldn't tell you now.

But the "we've got you covered" part reminded me that, at some point in the dream, I was on a ranch belonging to Shayla Sullivan. She wasn't there, so I wandered around the horse arena. It was a nice looking setup that had a grandstand type seating area with a roof and a wooden railing. 

I found a knife that someone had stabbed into the wooden railing. I pulled it out and tried a few stabs myself. It went in easier if you went with the grain. I found an upper rafter where the wood was already worn from someone making repeated hacks into the wood and went to town on it, like a cat using a scratching post.

Long about this time, Shayla walked in and caught me in the act. She had an identical twin sister with her, and they were both dressed identically: cowboy hat, red halter top and high-cut booty shorts. There was even a third sibling, a triplet, that was alluded to but never seen. 

"Ok, that's enough of that," Shayla #1 told me, as if she were scolding a pet.

I folded up the knife and put it away. I felt a little ashamed and tried to explain that a lot of the damage was pre-existing. But I knew she had caught me, and she knew what she had seen. It was her property, and she knew every inch of it. 

All the while my insurance company's remarkably forgettable catch phrase played on in my head. "This situation. That situation. Some other situation. We've got you covered." I can't imagine what exactly they would cover in this instance. My getting carved up by the three Sullivan girls, for vandalizing their wooden railing, perhaps?

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