Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A cream colored Plymouth


I don't know what's with the theme of Mopar products these days. Perhaps they are sponsoring my dreams, so that all the vehicles wind up being one of their products. I don't remember much, as the dream occurred hours ago, and I forgot to write it down.

I was working again. I'm not even going to mention where, since it is always the same. Manny Salazar was there, alternately helping and mocking me as I did some inept bungling, per my usual modality. I wound up taking a car out for a test drive and getting stuck, run out of gas or something.

The car was a cream colored Duster. It was a convertible, I believe, but it could have been a soft top, I'm not sure. I was having trouble with the gas and brake pedals. I kept telling myself, "This is just like Gracie's Impala," but I just  wasn't getting the hang of it.

While I was stuck and looking around for someone to take me to a gas station, I spied a guy who had a five gallon metal gas can. I asked him if I could get a few drops to put in my car. I only needed a few drops because -- surprise, surprise -- my car was not a cream colored gas guzzler after all. 

I was now in my black Honda Fit, so I knew I'd only need a little gas, just enough to coast on down to the gas station. We struggled to use the gas can's built-in spout, which just wasn't long enough to reach the tank. I spilled more than a few drops before deciding to make a funnel out of some rolled up paper. 

This paper funnel proved ineffective as well, but I finally found a way to pour the gas directly into the gas tank's internal tubing, bypassing the whole funnel scenario. The black Honda Fit had now kaleidoscopically morphed into a 1963 Dodge government surplus van that I had once owned and used as a camper back in the '90s.

This was a very disjointed dream, with no real point or even stable reference points. These are just the few scavenged details that I remember after waking up early to go and take some fasting blood tests at the Ampla Health clinic. Now, I'd better eat something before my stomach eats me.

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