It was at a dinner with Uncle Steve, Sharon and myself, Thanksgiving, I believe. Don't ask the year; I can't be that specific. But we were at my uncle's place on Garden Park (now Carol's, rather, Tim's).
We were somewhere near the end of the main course. Aunt Carol had a semi-glazed over appearance, the effects of the Tryptophan in the turkey kicking in (as distinguished from her normal, everyday, semi-conscious waking slumber). Eyes half-closed, she stared dreamily down at her plate.
Someone, Steve I think, mentioned pie, as in who would like to have some?
From a dead slump, Aunt Carol jerked awake and upright.
"PIE!!!" she squawked, like some human-sized tropical bird.
I'm thinking of the "Chicken Lady" who screams out "EGGS!!!" with a similarly focused projectile chicken screech. It was wildly out of calibration for the room. An entirely too loud, over the top, zero to 500 decibals kind of a soundwave came out of her.
We just stood there and took it full force, in slow motion, cartoon-like, the blast blowing our hair straight back and causing our facial skin to ripple, as from a 50 megaton atomic detonation.
When she said "PIE!!!" she meant it. There were no two ways about it.
We were witnessing the birth of consciousness out of the primordial ooze. Like the big bang, first there was nothing, then -- BANG!!! -- or "PIE!!! as it were. It was a momentous event, and I'm glad that I was there to see it.
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