I was re-reading and editing some earlier posts, when I came across one about a dream in which I stole someone's else's shoes because mine had been stolen. That reminded me of a true story that happened to me when I was working at Wittmeier Honda in Chico.
I was a newbie lube tech, still in school and working part time at the dealership. There was the typical locker room situation, where guys would change into their uniforms for the day. None of the lockers were locked, and everyone was pretty much on the honor system.
One day, after finishing my shift, I went in to the locker room and heard a guy bitching about how his shoes had gone missing. I thought nothing of it and went home.
The next day, I came to work, and he was there in the locker room, still going on about his shoes. He saw the shoes, he said under someone else's locker. Rather than steal them back, he was going to fill them up with axle grease as a prank. He would then wait around til the end of the day to see if someone would step in the goo.
Unbeknownst to him, we had identical shoes, him and I. The same size, brand, color and everything. Somehow mine and his shoes had gotten mixed up. I had taken his shoes home the night before and then worn them to work the next day. My shoes were out of sight, under a locker, so he'd missed them when he left work, and had to wear his work boots home.
When he saw his shoes the next day in my locker, he went ahead with his axle grease gooping plan. When I finished my shift, I found the shoes I'd been planning to wear had goop in them. I took them out of my locker and set them on the floor in front of some other lockers.
That's when I noticed my own pair of shoes under the locker. I went ahead and put them on and saw that they had a slight discoloration from the red dirt at my house. They were definitely my shoes. The shoes with the grease were his.
When he came back into the locker room, he saw me putting on my shoes and was livid. He thought he'd gotten me back by putting grease in my shoes, but there I was wearing them and not the least bit concerned. Inexplicably, he then put his foot in his own shoe, the one with the axle grease, and started cursing, hopping about on one foot.
"Goddammit! I gooed my own shoe!"
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