Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Comic Book Hero (Day 4)



10/4/23 9:33 AM

Day 4

Pick a character from your life who has had a major impact on your development. Write a song about him or her, whether about their struggles, success story, relationships, etc.


Comic Book Hero

She wears hair clips with roses, dresses and an ankle brace
Like a princess fawn, bounding from the tower she's escaped
She dreams big, she lives big, and deep are the ruts in-between
Dancing on her bed like some magic mischief fairy queen
Blushing hard, all awkward, she's amusement unto herself
A neon billboard, no poker face can hide her tell
Weirdness flag aloft, it's the peace sign that she waves
Pursued by dragons, is it security or chaos she craves?
One minute fearful gloom--snorting, laughing in the next
Twirling to girly pop, you'd never know she'd been depressed
She wants to ice skate, skydive, cliff jump, hang-glide 
Adventure far and wide
Just to feel alive
Just to feel alive
She drives her Saturn like some 70's car chase montage
When her key's not stuck in the ignition.
She's got no time for any 9-5 soul sucking work week garbage
A living comic book, the artist's life is her ambition
I'm not going to reveal the secret identity of my comic book hero(ine).  She already knows who she is. And to the rest of you: Get ready, world, for she is a force to be reckoned with!
**Confession: I actually wrote this song back in January of this year. I tweaked it a little bit, but the content is basically unchanged. I know this is kind of obviates the "challenge" part of this exercise, but I didn't want to lose a day, and I still have my song from yesterday to work on. So you can sing me a rousing chorus of "Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater." The indictment is fair, and pumpkins abound this time of year. It is October, after all.

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