Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Day 18 If you happen to keep a diary...


10/18/23 9:42 AM

Day 18

If you happen to keep a diary, pick an entry of an eventful day and turn it into song lyrics. Don’t have a diary? Look up public diaries such as The Open Diaries or to find entries from other people that you can write about.

Journal entry for March 13
My heart is breaking again
I'm in the room with her, she is still breathing
Rapid, shallow breaths
She's been asleep for more than 12 hours
Lying on her side
"You know I love you," her final words
And I know she means it this time

Oh, honey, you know you'll always be 
In my heart forever
I'll never get over you -- that's OK
These scars are the relics I treasure
Looking through photos on the computer
The slideshow is going along
Things I had photographed -- cows were her favorite
Horses, green fields and barns
She liked it when I would take pictures 
Of places I had gone
It took her places, I took her with me
In my head when I traveled along

Oh, honey, you know you'll always be 
In my heart forever
I'll never get over you -- that's OK
These scars are the relics I treasure
I know I'm not saying all of the things 
I intended when I started this
I wanted to say how meaningful is
This unbearable meaninglessness

Oh, honey, you'll always be in my heart 
I'll never get over you
I'll take you with me, always asking
What would Boopie do? 


"The is no greater distraction from anything negative than to be in the moment. You don't have room to let your inner demons make any noise."  
~ Howie Mandel The Dark Side of Comedy: Robin Williams

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