Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Day 11 The Latest News Story

10/11/23 9:09 AM
Day 11

Think of the last news story you read, watched, or listened. Write some lyrics about how it impacted you, negatively or positively, on an emotional level.
Hubble Trouble
They built a bigger telescope
To see how far they could see
Into the past, into the future
Into eternity
What they discovered with their great big eye
Was not what they expected
It did not compute, and doesn't jive well
With the data that they've collected

"The universe is expanding at a rapidly increasing rate"
But the closer they look, the faster it runs away
 It came to me in a flash--and it made me laugh
The universe is running away
The universe 
           is running 
A snowball gets faster going downhill
Simple gravity
Collecting mass and gaining speed
Easy as 1, 2, 3

Accelerated expansion
How hard to fathom
Rules are changing every day
As fast as we make 'em 
The universe breaks 'em
Who needs our damn rules anyway?

Pretzel logic
Can prove almost anything
But can they really 
Answer the question
"Why are you running away?"
We can't make glasses big enough, really
To let us read the fine print
It just gets harder to understand
This thing we're all living in
Cut to the punchline, what made me laugh
What even a child can see
Is that the reason for all this confusion
God likes to play hide and seek
God likes to play hide and seek
            ...and He really doesn't like to lose 
                        <guitar solo fade out, why not?>

Eh. Well, I liked the idea. It didn't flesh out the way I'd hoped, but I can always revisit the idea later. Or not. Like an oil painting, keep adding layers and scraping off the big chunks that I use to cover my mistakes. 

Mistakes? There's a concept I need to lose. Unintended, unique, artistic flourishes--not mistakes. Anyway, I just renewed my artistic license. I can do whatever I want. I'm the chief of police.

At any rate, this is just an exercise, practice, I tell myself. It's not some work of art I'm trying to sell for profit. I'm just doing some push-ups and sit-ups, not making a workout video. If you don't like the product, don't pay me. 

Wait a minute...why am I still talking? I don't have to justify myself to you! 
            To ANYONE!! 



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