Friday, October 6, 2023

Day 6 -- Write about a movie (spoiler alert: It's a shit song, and I hate it)

10/6/23 7:22 AM

Day 6

Write lyrics relating to a movie that you have watched, whether about the protagonist, the villain, a standout supporting actor, or the plot.

Workday in LA
LA morning, chatting enjoyably
The two men drove
One black, one white
Just a couple of blokes
Carpooling to work

Black suits and ties
They work in collections
Handguns in the trunk
They aren't here for fun
Should've brought shotguns
(chorus is a vocal version of Miserlou, the opening theme from the movie) 

La la la la la la la la la -- Pulp Fiction
La la la la la la la la la -- Put them in a bad condition
Inside the apartment
4 or 5 guys
Need to be questioned
Put an end their lives
For a stolen briefcase
Hamburgers and Sprite
The cornerstone
Of any nutritious breakfast
But it's their last one 
As the two men unload their guns 
La la la la la la la la la -- Pulp Fiction  <sung kinda like Rock Lobster>
La la la la la la la la la -- Put the fuckers in a bad condition
<1st half of sound clip -- Jules reciting Ezekiel 25:17, half volume under guitar solo>
One more in the bathroom
Listening to this
Comes out firing
But all six shots miss
Then the end comes for him

<2nd half of sound clip -- full volume -- ends the song with gunshots>

You know how, on an album*, there are always a couple of songs you just don't like? This is one of them. 
I just wasn't feeling it, and I struggled to squeeze anything out at all. Needless to say, I, too, find this one to be a stinker, uninspired. Maybe having music would partially redeem it, I don't know. It seems like it would just be a waste of good music.
*Kids: An album is a collection of songs released together as a package. One used to have to purchase the entire album in order to listen to the one or two songs that were popular on the radio. 
"What's a radio?"



1 comment:

  1. I've been to one world fair, a picnic and a rodeo, and this song is the stupidest thing I've ever heard come over a set of earphones.


I've changed my comments settings to allow for anyone to comment. All comments are welcome, even spineless potshots from anonymous posters. Please, by all means, give me the tongue lashing I so richly deserve. I promise not to hunt you down and melt your keyboard with my plasma cannon. I won't, however, promise not to pout and make that face you can't stand.