10/10/23 9:08 AM
Day 10
Assess your progress. Take the time to polish off the lyrics of any song
you have managed to complete or try to finish ones that you have
started but have failed to complete.
On the first day of school
You glanced at me so cool
And shot me in the ass with a rubber band
Perfect face
Perfect smile
Acne and braces not withstanding
Plaid skirt, fishnets
Doc Marten boots
So punk rock, hanging with your crew
Lunch box, tape deck
Short hair, long legs
You must have caught me looking at you
Statue of Liberty
"Come sit down!"
You beckoned me
"What are things like where you come from?"
Four or five, of similar mind
Hard stares, begrudging smiles
"I think we're gonna have ourselves some fun!"
We had French and History
I got As, you got Bs
Me, the dreamer, you a fantasy
As life unfolded
We got older
High school gave way to reality
Summer nights, feeling free
Fireworks, 9:30
Still we had to make it home by 10
Disneyland, down the street
Parties, shows, go out to eat
I thought that we were always going to be friends
Summer's end, life got hard
Go to college, get a job
Try to find an apartment fit for three
Roaches and painted mold
Even so, we were told
"This ain't no goddamn punk Three's Company!"
Your boyfriend got beat up by gangsters
Face all smashed, became a racist
Everything we knew was going to change
You moved away, and I found Jesus
Broke our friendship into pieces
So we drifted off our separate ways
Facebook friend, three years ago
Or so, I dreamed of you
It was racy
And I told you plainly
About the crush of which you never knew
You laughed and said
"Glad I could help"
When I told you about my dream
But we had long
Moved past the point
Of irrevocability
But in telling you this, I feel free
Embarrassed, yes, but free
There aren't enough hours in the day, not enough elbow grease, nor polish or spit to make this geode into a diamond. Perhaps, it's just the idea, the practice, the utilization of brain cells, that makes this challenge a productive thing. Finished? Polished? Mmm, no.
Oh, and there's one completely fictitious detail that I added. Can you guess what it is?
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