Saturday, October 7, 2023

Day 7 Noun and Verb Swap

10/7/23 8:03 AM
Day 7

Take the first line of your favorite song. Replace the verbs and nouns. Discard the original line and write entirely new lyrics to support the new line you created. Example: “Look at this photograph,” the first line from “Photograph” by Nickelback, could be turned into “Staring at this clock on the wall.”
The first problem with this assignment is that I can't seem to hone in on a particular song as "my favorite." All time? Current? Nothing is coming to mind except the most overplayed song from my youth. I'll let you try to guess what it is. 
And the example cited in the instructions is making me question whether or not the people who came up with this challenge actually reside in this universe. Nobody, in the entire history of people liking things, has ever actually liked Nickleback. Google it. Snope it out. It's a fact.


Stepstool to Indifference

There are children who cry: "All that's dead was alive" as they sigh in a weepy abandon
When the time comes to go, we all want to know
But the roadmap is folded and tattered

Ooo yeah, yeah

Given time to reflect, will we all recollect
Anything if there isn't a picture
While you dine out alone, staring down at your phone, never glancing around at your neighbor

Oh, oh oh


Ran out of time. And juice. This one's a stinker, no doubt about it.

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