0/2/23 12:52 PM
Day 2
From the lyrics you wrote the day before, edit the content to come up
with at least one structured song (verse – chorus – verse – chorus).
Like a cut flower, waiting for a vase too long,
The timing was all wrong,
Wondering what steps, which foot to put forward,
We come to the end of our song.
There's no time like the present,
Any time is fine.
But sometimes...sometimes...sometimes...
There's just no time.
Leap ahead or fall behind,
Get your ass back to the grind,
If you don't seek, you'll never find,
So eat the fruit down to the rind.
This bundle of stuff that I call myself,
This hope chest of forgotten dreams,
Will it never open to be seen,
Like a book unread upon the shelf?
Over the hills and far away,
I'll ride there on my bike someday.
Just pedal, for once, with no concern,
No halfway point, no time of return.
OK, I've exceeded my time limit for the day. I'm less pleased than even yesterday with the results.
Editing is something I both love and hate. My words are like my children: I love to fuss over them and polish them them compulsively, but I don't like to chop them up and toss their limbs in the waste basket. I usually just tweak on the original version for hours and wind up leaving it mostly as it is. I like to think of my children as special and unique just as they are, idiosyncrasies included.
And in other news...
Day Three of Cymbalta withdrawal, Day One of Lamotrigine increase from 25 to 50mg. Nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo. For a drug that never actually made me feel good, quitting Cymbalta sure is making me feel bad.
Additionally, my increased cannabis consumption has muddied the waters a bit. I started using it more to stave off the emotional blunting caused by the Cymbalta. All that did was give me another addiction, albeit a familiar and enjoyable one, for the most part.
There are many problems associated with daily cannabis use, not the least of which is wear and tear on the lungs. And like any drug, a tolerance is built up, requiring higher doses which become less effective over time. Soon, the elevating effects are gone, and you are performing a ritual just to achieve a sense of normalcy. Never mind that the perception of normal has been skewed by continuous use of a mind-altering drug.
So my October challenge is twofold: engage in a positive mind exercise every day and get back on the Saturday only wagon for the cannabis and caffeine.
That's about it. I am going to have to finish getting my woodstove installed, or it will be 2024 before I get heat up in here.
...and I don't know if this has ever happened to anyone, but I was speaking into my text editor, when I farted. It was just a quick little one syllable number, but the text editor picked it up and transcribed it as "that." So, I am literally talking out of my ass now. Great.
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