Monday, October 16, 2023

Day 16 If you write poems


10/16/23 9:12 AM

Day 16

If you write poems, pick one of your favorites and turn it into a song. If you don’t have poems of your own, pick one you have heard or learned in school that you actually like.

** I spent a lot of time looking through my old "poetry" for a favorite, but I could only find this...



The Robot Song

Since it rained, since it rained, the Robot
Got left outside the shed
Got left outside the shed
Though it was once ingrained inside my head
Despite of what you said 
He got left outside the shed
Now his wheels are rusty
And though I never cared much, truth be told
His arms no longer fold
His batteries are old
In spite of how you scold 
And you never trust me
Since it snowed, since it snowed, the Robot
Got left out in the cold
Got left out in the cold

In the spring, in the spring, the flowers
Burst through the Robot’s head
His legs, made out of lead
Sink into the flower bed
And I wake up, I wake up, get out of bed
Put the Robot in the shed
Put the Robot in the shed
And you say you love me

I wrote this in 2017 or so, attempting to write a song about irresponsibility, entropy and my wife's ever loving nagging which kept my life from falling apart. Also, there's a beauty in decrepitude, when nature devours man's efforts to construct something separate and apart from it. 

I struggled then with extra verses, meter and tidiness. Today, I tried to tame it a bit more, but it still came out this way. I'm not going to bash my brains out trying to make a perfect fit, so I will leave it as is for now. I may try to correct it in the music phase, employing whatever tricks I can.

Half of my battle today was with the line spacing in Blogger. The settings had to be changed every time I hit the return key, as the text editor kept reverting from normal to paragraph mode. 

I'm not in the most patient frame of mind today. Gritty determination has become frayed, and now there's a bit more frustrated agitation. A finicky cut and past selection tool, an inappropriately placed hotkey on my keyboard-- anything not giving me instant gratification or producing lasting results for my efforts--will evoke a "fuck you" from me. . Arrr--

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